Shouto Todoroki

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"All Might is worthy!" The Hero Killer: Stain proclaimed, freezing all the heroes in the vicinity.

Even Endeavor was standing on the side-lines, unable to move an inch. They were all frozen in fear. Suddenly, he stopped moving. His eyes rolled back, hiding his pupils, and he was left locked in place.

A moment passed, and the heroes tried to regain themselves. Just then, Shouto's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, and sighed, answering.

"(Y/n)-" He began.

"Why did you do that? It was so dangerous! What if you had died? I know you did it to save people, but think about your personal safety for once! I could have lost you-" You ranted, making him pull the phone away from his ear slightly, due to your volume.

One of the pros near him smirked. "Girl problems?"

Shouto grunted in response, and took to trying to calm down his distressed girlfriend.

"I know it was dangerous. I'm sorry, (Y/n). I had to help Iida and Midoriya." He explained calmly.

He was very patient with you, and you were pretty much opposites. You were almost exactly like Midoriya, in that you always worried too much. He appreciated it, because it showed you cared, but he didn't want you to constantly fret over him.

You took a deep breath on the other end of the line.

"Are you okay? Any major injuries? Any-" You tried.

"I'm okay, sweetie." He replied, warming your heart.

You loved the cute nicknames, and apparently, so did pro heroes. They were cheering for him, despite what had just happened. The only one that didn't look so impressed was Endeavor, but that was to be expected. You told him to fuck off once, so he wasn't too keen.

"Thank goodness! I'm visiting you in the hospital every day! I'll bring flowers! And chocolate!" You rejoiced, happy that your boyfriend wasn't awfully messed up.

"Yeah...Thanks." He smiled.

You giggled, and he felt his heart flutter. He loved your laugh – it was the kind of thing he could fall asleep to. Not overly feminine most of the time, with you being a huge nerd and practically learning life skills from anime and internet memes, but that's not the point.

"I love you." He said earnestly.

He couldn't see it, but it was like he could feel your bright smile and love-struck face through the cellular device that separated you. He really wished he was holding you right now.

"I love you too, cutie." You both laughed, and in that moment, it was like you were standing right next to him.

[Word Count: 433]

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