Izuku Midoriya - Lemon

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Requested by: Kawasimaru


His expression was contorting maliciously – it was exactly what you had been expecting, seen as though he was the Number One Villain throughout Japan. You stepped backwards, trying to think of a strategy. He moved in time with you, never giving you much of an opportunity to think about anything, much less escaping. All your attention was trained solely on his face, with its distinguishing features of his freckles arranged in a diamond pattern, and those beautiful, wide verdant orbs. However, while they once held complete adoration for all things heroic, they now seemed twisted and corrupt.

A clear consequence of the villains' influence.

Your face paled dramatically, as you recalled that you did love this boy, back when he was adorably innocent, and still an aspiring pro hero. Unfortunately, as soon as he turned to the dark side, you tried to erase him from your mind. You hadn't really thought about him in a long time, which was good for your sanity, but now, with him in front of you, all your conflicting feelings came flooding back into your system.

It was excruciating.

He appeared to notice the slight furrowing of your brows, and the clashing of your emotions, which he could see through the glint in your eyes. He smiled; it was an awkward sort of thing, almost as if he was trying to be sincere, but he really just wanted to show his true colours, and let a gigantic grin envelop his entire face. He held it in, but that did nothing to comfort you. When you couldn't walk back anymore, you simply froze, your body refusing to move, despite your desperation to escape.

"You're so beautiful." He spoke faintly, making your eyes widen in confusion and distress.

You wanted to question his statement, but no words would leave your mouth.

He leaned in slowly, whispering, "So beautiful, and so submissive."

That was the last thing you heard before he knocked you out. The last thing you saw was the encompassing darkness. The villain picked up your slumped figure, and gently caressed your cheeks with a calloused hand. He muttered something to himself – a bad habit that he never quite got over. He carried you bridal-style down the dimly-lit streets, which were completely silent at this time of the night. You had only been outside because there had been an alert. Of course, that was just a rational deception, in order to successfully capture you, but it wasn't like you hadn't soon figured that out.

You were a clever girl.

He unlocked his door, and brought the two of you up to his bedroom. There, he set you down on the double bed, and wandered off to find some of the items that he had prepared earlier. They were located in his basement, but he thought you would be more comfortable in his room, so he decided to bring them upstairs. While he was looking through the pile, he messed around with a few of them, turning them on briefly and wondering which ones you would prefer.

The vibrators were all the same size as his cock, which he thought you might appreciate. When he found the objects he desired, he shoved them all into a bag, and walked back to his room. By the time he got there, you were awake and seemingly perplexed. You heard the bedroom door creak, and your (e/c) eyes shot upwards. He saw the look of terror painted on your face, and he loved it.

"I didn't expect you to be awake already." He informed, smiling sadistically.

You shivered. "I didn't expect you to become a villain, but it happened."

He chuckled. "The League helped me see just how selfish and incompetent the heroes really are."

"The villains are the selfish ones! Always senselessly killing – and for what? Fame? Glory? What do you really want, Midoriya?" You asked, a growl bubbling at the back of your throat.

He moved towards you, smirking when he saw you back away, gradually, as if hoping that he wouldn't notice. "I want you."

You immediately stopped moving. Your blood ran cold. It felt like you had somehow become encased in ice, although that was impossible; neither of you had an ice-based quirk. He was very strong, and smart, so you frankly doubted that you would be able to escape. At least, not unless he allowed it. You also didn't think this was entirely plausible, because that one sentence had made his intentions crystal clear.

He grazed his fingers across your face, making you flinch and jerk back. This must have amused him quite a lot, because his grin grew even wider, and he forcefully grabbed your chin, yanking you closer to him. His lips crashed into yours, and he instantly started trying to gain access to your mouth – he bit your lower lip, so hard that it drew blood. You gasped sharply, giving him chance to push his tongue into your mouth. After some time, you began to kiss back, and you fought with his tongue for dominance. Obviously he won, and, satisfied, he started to explore his new territory. You moaned, despite your best efforts.

Quite suddenly, he grabbed one of your breasts, kneading it.


He released your mouth, a string of saliva the only thing still connecting you. He pushed your body harshly, causing you to fall on to the bed. You tried to scramble up, but he placed both of his hands on your figure, holding you down. He straddled you, planting one leg in-between yours, to rub teasingly against your core. He stationed one hand on your chest, which leisurely traced down to your abdomen, and back up again, gently, almost lovingly.

When he reached your chest for the second time, he brought his face down to capture your lips again. He moved his mouth against yours vigorously, while simultaneously slipping a hand into your hero costume. A shaky, unexpected moan escaped your throat, and you could feel yourself becoming really embarrassed. Not only that, but your nether region was dripping in anticipation, but you were certain that your feelings for this green-haired male had long since subsided. You couldn't possibly still love him, given his status as the Number One Villain.

You definitely wouldn't falter.

He revelled in all the pleasing sounds he was eliciting from you, and decided to take one of your perked buds between his fingers, twisting and rubbing it harshly. You moved your head to the side, attempting to muffle your moans in his sheets. Apparently, he didn't like that, as he yanked your chin, ghosting his lips across yours, before letting your head fall back into the bed, and sitting up a little more. He shifted his position slightly, so that your face was in immediate contact with his clothed member, now standing fully erect, and proud. You looked very distressed, but couldn't form any coherent words. He fiddled with his belt, allowed his pants to drop, and brought himself even closer to you, instructing you to "Suck".

Too afraid to question this bizarre order, you complied, taking the tip into your mouth, in a tentative manner, as if testing the waters. You didn't hear anything from him, other than slightly laboured breathing, so you were unsure if your technique was satisfactory. However, when you glanced up, you saw his facial expression – green eyes clouded over with lust, mouth parted, and beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. You gulped, sending pleasant vibrations through his body, and he threaded his fingers through your hair, pushing his length deeper into your mouth. You gagged, but he didn't seem to care, because he just kept thrusting into your mouth, and eventually releasing his seed. It tasted sour, and it was definitely unpleasant.

"Ah...it's been too long. Far too long." He panted, watching you choke on the remainder of his cum.

You looked up, confused, prompting him to chuckle and clarify: "I haven't masturbated for a while."

A prominent blush invaded your features. "R-Right..."

"(Y/n)..." He drawled.

You eyed him nervously for a moment, before responding simply, "Y-Yes?"

"I want you."

[Word Count: 1360]

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