Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Glace_Queeen


Age 5

He watched your jovial form, bounding towards him at top speed, a Cheshire-cat sized smile slapped on to your features. After the initial shock subsided, the panic set in. He didn't know you - some random girl, seemingly around his age. He also didn't understand why you were running in his direction, or why you were smiling. He didn't see that there was anything to be so happy about; it was just a park. Turning his head right and left, then glancing backwards led him nowhere. He was the only other person in the entire space, so you had to be there for him. The question was: why? What could you possible want with him - an outcast, a loner?

There was a vague notion that perhaps he had seen you before, albeit in passing - certainly not for long enough to remember any significant features. However, if you were who he thought you might be, then you were a very popular child, with many friends. His mother had taken him to this exact park many times before, and you may have been there. It was possible - likely even, that his mother had implored him to talk to you at one point. After all, you seemed incredibly friendly. He never did though, fearing the worst.

Now, he didn't have an awful lot of time to react before your body came crashing into his. Alarmed, he spread his arms, catching you in a half-hot, half-cold embrace. You shivered slightly, but not just because of the conflicting temperatures. You had actually really wanted to get to know this mysterious boy. You often saw him at the park, gazing at your various groups, the longing in his eyes almost blinding. It pained you to see someone so left out. It was quite obvious that he wished to participate, but he didn't know how to ask. So, you took matters into your own hands. You would be friends with this boy! Best friends, in fact! You would be the bestest friends there ever were!

Giggling, you pulled back slightly. "Hey there!!"

He was shocked. "Um...hi?"

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)! What's your name? Can we be friends?" Your (e/c) orbs sparkled, almost as if they were reflecting the sun. Although, this time, it was far too dark for the sun.

He hesitated. "Y-You want to be friends? With m-me?"

"Yes please!" Your response was instant, almost rehearsed, like you had been planning this for some time.

"Why?" He questioned, looking down, his features displaying heavy sorrow.

You pretended to consider this. " always seem really lonely! And, I want to help you come out of that shell! I think we can be really good friends! You seem like a nice person."

He gulped. "A-Alright."

"Well? What's your name?" You asked again.

"Shouto Todoroki."

"Hm...I'm gonna call you Sho-kun!"

The smallest smile appeared on his pale features. He liked that nickname. Nobody had ever given him one before. Maybe it was because he never had any friends? Not even his siblings called him anything other than his forename. He hated it sometimes. Although, he thought that perhaps he could get used to it now. He might even ask his siblings to call him by this new nickname. Or maybe, he'd save that privilege especially for you. A faint blush rose to his cheeks. You were definitely a special case.

Age 13

Your family sent you to a public school, while Shouto attended a private school. Still, the two of you kept in contact and regularly called each other. You remained friends, hanging out at any possible opportunity. You served as a relief from his nagging father and stressful home life, and he was someone to confide in. You had both developed really strong quirks, and as the years passed, you found yourselves competing. At first, it wasn't anything serious - you were simply having fun taunting one another, and showcasing your destructive quirks. However, you were more than a little aware of his father's harsh treatment, and it became evident in the way his façade manifested.

He constantly wore a stoic face, attempting to block anything and everything he didn't need. You always saw through it, until one day, when it stuck, and was no longer an escape; it became as much a part of him as his beautiful eyes. You made an effort to stay on good terms with him, because honestly, throughout the years, you had grown quite accustomed to the fluttering sensation in the pit of your stomach whenever he was around. You considered yourselves rivals now, but you couldn't help feeling like you wanted something more.

He never appeared to have the same selfish desires, so you decided to drop that train of thought. You desperately wanted to look at him exactly like you did back when you were still small children - with utter admiration, and a strong sense of friendship.

Both of you wished to be pro heroes, and vowed to attend the same high school. It was still two years off, but you allowed yourself to dream. Perhaps these annoying, yet refreshing emotions would dissipate by then.

Age 15


You wrapped your arms around his torso, stilling his movements. You had literally just opened the door to your new classroom, and spotted your childhood friend. You ran up to him, engulfing him in a tight hug. You almost cried - he got in through recommendations, but you had to go to all the trouble of taking down some shitty robots. The worst part though, was the thought that you might not be in the same class as your companion. You felt him sigh against you, his breath warm despite his cold demeanour.

"(Y/n)." He stated, trying to figure out whether he wanted to smile or sigh again.

"This is so cool! Isn't it the coolest?!" You were really excited about this new phase in your life.

He nodded. "It's good to see you again."

"We're in the same school this time! And the same class! You're so lucky!" You grinned.


You weren't certain if he let you remain in that painfully extended embrace because he liked it, or because he genuinely couldn't move you. Whatever it was, you were fully prepared to simply enjoy the moment. You started making conversation - small things like how he had been, even though you messaged him every single day, and what he thought of the school. Since the lessons hadn't yet begun, however, there was little to discuss in the way of academics. You laughed at some of his utterings. He loved that laugh. It truly astounded him how you were still able to laugh like that - to show actual joy, when you knew the world was a horrible, unforgiving place.

He loved that about you.

Ten years had passed since your first meeting, and you still surprised him. He hoped that you would continue to do this, well into your teenage years, and eventually your adult life. He wanted to buy a house with you, have children, and everything in-between. There was lots he didn't know; he was completely inexperienced, and it turned out you were too. He wanted to explore all these couples' things with you.

For now though, he was content just listening to your heavenly voice. 

[Word Count: 1223]

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