Shouto Todoroki

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I'll probably make this into a story or something once my exams are over...


"Name: (L/n) (Y/n)

Quirk: Rebirth. She can enter trance-like states in which she is able to experience various past lives, interacting with people and objects. In battle, this process is condensed, and allows her to draw upon the type of death her previous selves endured, transferring that pain to others.

Drawback: It only works on living organisms, and she can undergo emotional/mental trauma from re-experiencing deaths."


Disappearing for prolonged periods of time, with no indication as to her location, she inadvertently provoked a lot of conspiracies. A handful of her classmates even elected to begin an investigation, but to no avail. She always appeared to have the upper hand – forever concealed in an unknown part of the property.

Having been the third and final recommendation, she carried an air of mystery wherever she went. Despite her acquaintances possessing a vague knowledge of her quirk, they had yet to see it in action. As intriguing as it sounded, she never seemed very willing to showcase it.

Pondering over this in grave detail, retracing their singular conversation and similar starting points, the bi-coloured boy trudged along. To be completely honest, he hadn't put too much thought into finding you; it really seemed like you wanted space – somewhere quiet to hide from the rowdiness of the school.

He didn't think he had ever related to someone so much.

Rounding a corridor, he came across two large, forbidding doors. Opening one slowly, he walked out. In a matter of moments, he had spied the perfect haven: a tranquil spot with no distractions in close proximity.

That is, until he took another glance.

Sprawled on the lush grass, arms positioned comfortably by your sides, you lay, dreaming. Deciding not to let you be a deterrent, he stalked forwards, coming to a halt upon witnessing more intimately the gentle rise and fall of your chest. Perching himself silently on a nearby bench, he simply observed your peaceful form.

The red of your lips highlighted vividly in his mind, and your long lashes complimented the rest of your features beautifully. Absentmindedly, he rested his face on his hand, savouring the melodic breaths escaping your lips.

You stirred, prompting him to halt his oxygen intake, for fear of waking and disturbing you. However, although your eyes remained closed, your mouth gained his full attention when more glorious sounds departed it.

"Todoroki Shouto, I presume?"

Mismatched orbs widening slightly, he replied, "Yes."

He wondered how best to persist with the conversation, but came up none-the-wiser.

Furrowing his brows, he listened when you commanded, "Don't speak too loudly."

Continuing in this ominous prose, you spoke, "They grow suspicious."

"Who?" Todoroki barely whispered.

An amused smile started to play at your features, causing a modest crimson tint to form on his cheeks.

"This man, and the woman behind him."

Todoroki, mildly alarmed and concerned about intruders, surveyed the surroundings. Upon finding nothing unnatural, he recalled your lexical choice: 'This man'. Looking back at your figure, he perceived the conspicuous development of your grin.

"You're interacting with someone now?" He questioned, tentatively.

After a brief pause, you responded, "Yes."

"Why are they suspicious?" He enquired.

Releasing what sounded like a strained giggle, you lowered your voice.

"If you speak too loudly, they can hear you. I have these realities connected. If they consider me an outside force – a threat – then I am likely to die in a different way than I have already."

"The past must not be changed."

[Word Count: 580]

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