Tamaki Amajiki

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"Okay! I'll do it today!" You said, slapping both your cheeks.

"Do what?"

You got startled, and turned around in a defensive position. When you realised it was only Mirio, you sighed, and lowered your arms.

"C-Confess. Today I'll confess to Amajiki-san." You mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

He laughed. "You should have already done that!"

Your face heated up, and you walked off, only to have him follow you. He had known about your crush for the longest time, constantly trying to get you to tell him. You huffed, speeding up.

He was about to call out, but didn't get time. You slammed into somebody, and tumbled to the ground. Groaning, you opened your eyes slowly. Your hands were gripped on someone's waist. Your vision came into focus, and your face went scarlet.

You were underneath Tamaki Amajiki. When he noticed the position, he sputtered and apologized, trying to get up, but his clumsiness only made the situation worse. Instead of helping, Mirio slipped away, leaving the two of you alone.

Suddenly, you felt like the wind was knocked out of you. He had fallen in his attempt to get up. He now had you trapped – his arms on either side of your head, and his body pushed close to yours.

"A-Amajiki." You trailed your hands up his waist, to his chest, and rested them on his face.

He was a blushing mess at the proximity, and the smile that lit up his heart.

"(L-L/N)...I-I'm s-" You didn't let him finish.

His words hung in the air as he held his breath. Your mouth crashed into his, sticking your tongue in as soon as you had the chance. His eyes went wide, unable to comprehend what was happening.

Yours fluttered closed, savouring the taste of his lips, as you hungrily explored his wet cavern. It didn't take a genius to figure out he had never kissed before, but you were more than willing to help.

You tried to get his tongue to move against yours, and soon, he relaxed enough to attempt to kiss back. It was messy – heated and inexperienced.

When you pulled away, both of you were panting lightly.

"(Y-Y/n)." You said between breaths.

"You should call me (Y/n)."

[Word Count: 373]

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