Izuku Midoriya {Kingdom AU}

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Requested by: pandabluecutie


It was coming. The day of your arranged marriage with Prince Shouto Todoroki. His father, Enji, had agreed with your parents at birth that you were to be betrothed to his son. As children, you played together frequently, developing a strong, sibling-like bond.

Neither of you thought much of the marriage.

Not until you met Izuku.

Aimlessly wandering the village streets, happy to be out of the confides of your castle, devoid of cautionary knights, you subtly hummed a soft tune, examining some fruit from a nearby market. You were so engrossed in your activities, in fact, that you failed to see a nervous young boy ambling towards you.

Then, with an almighty thud, you hit the ground.

"Ouch..." You mumbled tenderly, raising your hand in an effort to hold your head.

However, upon brushing a sweaty forehead, your eyes shot open to glance the assailant. A mop of bushy green hair was laying on your chest. For a few moments, you were on full alert, expecting the boy to wake and attack you. Although...he didn't seem awfully threatening. While he was unconscious, you attempted to shift him, but to no avail.

All of a sudden, he stirred, turning his head in your chest, and eliciting a lovely red hue from your features. He yawned, and began slowly lifting his head, opening his eyes and finally stopping.

You looked into each other's eyes.

"Um...hello." You spoke, apprehensively.

An expression of pure bewilderment was present on his face, which you gleaned to be rather handsome. However, as soon as reality caught up, his skin went from pale to dark crimson in a matter of seconds. It was almost comical – how you could virtually see the stages of embarrassment as they came.

"UWAAAA!" He cried, his shrill voice leading you to block your ears in a mad rush to not become deafened.

He was panicking, simultaneously muttering to himself and waving his hands about, which you couldn't deny was quite cute.

"I-I'm sorry! R-Really, really sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear! It's just – I was b-being chased, and uh...a-and I came here. Then I ran into you an-"

"I appreciate your concern, but I am truly all right." You assured, gifting him with an angelic smile.

Looking into your (e/c) eyes, he was seeing luminous stars; a beauty so radiant that the goddess of love herself would wither before.

"O-Oh! Thank goodness." He breathed a sigh of relief, tearing his own wide orbs away from your elegance.

"Would you help me up?" Your voice thundered in his ear like a choir of angels.

"Y-Yes! Sorry..."

Hastily removing himself from your body, he laced your fingers together and hoisted you to your feet, nervously glancing at your joined hands. Assessing his sweat levels, he yanked his away, electing to fidget in attempt to mask his indecency.

"Excuse me...may I have your name please?" You inquired politely, putting a shocked hand to your mouth when his face once more exploded scarlet.

He stood straight, acknowledging your status from the dress you wore, and now endeavouring to play the part of the gentleman.

"I-Izuku Midoriya, your highness!"

Chuckling, you replied, "(Y/n) (L/n)."

"Is it really all right for me to call you that? I mean, y-you're royal, and I'm just a –" He rambled, being cut mid-sentence by a peck on the cheek.

You were giggling, observing him as if he were the most precious thing you had ever beheld. He gulped rather audibly, lowering his head and shifting awkwardly closer to you. Taking a deep breath, he wagered his chances and crashed his lips on to your messily.

Stunned but not the least bit repulsed, it took only a second to register before you kissed back, moaning into his mouth. Pulling away, his face flushed, he mumbled another apology, his words severed by the ferocity of your lips slamming back on to his.

The next time you parted, you foreheads were pressed together.

Izuku was the first to speak.

"I-I know that you're engaged...b-but – what d-do you think of Prince Shouto?" He questioned, sadness in his eyes.

"He's sweet, incredibly charming, smart, remarkably handsome, and he treats me well." You mused, wrapping your arms gently around your shaking partner's waist.

"Oh..." He whispered, doleful.

"But...he's not you." With your answer complete, an elated glint crept into Izuku's eyes.

He rested his head atop your shoulder, letting you run placid hands through his verdant locks. Sighing in a mixture of relief and tranquillity, the boy cautiously snaked his arms around you, luring you impossibly closer. He was peaceful; his heartbeat calming and nerves relaxing.

He was warm; his body temperature had risen. And now, standing outside with a fresh onslaught of merciless rain, you couldn't have been cosier.

"Hey Izuku?"


"Let's run away."


[Word Count: 803]

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