Prinxiety and Logicality Part 1

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As Roman walked past him Virgil's heart skipped a beat, he had never felt this way about anyone before and he hated it. He hated that he felt this way, he hated that Roman didn't know, and most of all he hated that Roman would have a smirk on his face that made him look so cute when he called Virgil one of the nicknames he would come up with.

Of course Virgil didn't know about this but Roman also likes him but unlike Virgil he accepted that he liked him, and he liked him HARD he loved every little thing about him.

He loves the way that he can change Roman's attitude with the blink of an eye and his dark emo soul that was really just a great big softie on the inside and that this crush made him think about classic love stories of how opposites attract.

He just wanted to hold him and love him and run his fingers through his already messy hair and cuddle him in the dark while they watch movies together. While Roman was daydreaming in his room Virgil was thinking about how he was tired of bottling up his feelings and thought back to when he would flirt with him just a little and when Roman would tease him but today he was tired of it and went to someone who had a lot of experience with feelings.


"So what do you need my emo child?" Patton asked sipping a mug of hot cocoa. "Well," Virgil started feeling a little nervous, "I have a crush on someone and I'm not sure he knows, I mean I'm dropping hints but...." he trailed off. "Your not sure if he likes you back or is just oblivious to your feelings for him and he is actually really smart but doesn't understand emotions or-" he cut himself off and looked at a very confused Virgil, "I mean... Umm...."

The dad figure started to blush a little while Virgil pieced together what he just said, "Do you like Logan?" he asked. Patton nodded slowly his pink blush turning crimson , "Well, it is pretty obvious Patton. Anyways, my crush is-" "Roman" Patton finished for him, "You make it hard to tell but I have a gift for it" "Well, what should I do?" "Personally, I think that you should tell him" Patton said calmly.

"No I can't!!!" Virgil yelled,"YOU KNOW I CAN'T!!!! I'M ANXIETY I CAN'T JUST BE ALL CARE FREE ABOUT IT!!!!!!"he was now on the verge of tears,"I'M SCARED PATTON I'M SCARED!!!!!!!!!!" Virgil was now crying while Patton quickly got up and wrapped his arms around him.

"It's OK Virge.... just focus on breathing, in, out, in, out." Soon Virgil's breathing was steady and he had calmed down "Thank you Patton you are so, so, so nice and too pure for this cruel world." "Awwweee!! Thank you kiddo!!!!" Patton said smiling. "Your welcome Patton. Oh and Logan's going to be a great mom"

That's adorable and Virgil's right, Logan would make a good mom. I hope you liked it I'll be posting soon. (Also, this art not mine, but it looks amazing)



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