School of Despair

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I seemed to be resting on a couch. 

" Where am I?"

Why was I on a couch? I quickly stood up and looked around. It seemed like...a hotel room? I thought I was supposed to be at Hope's Peak High School!

" What in tarnation is going on?"

I looked over and saw a metal board over the windows. I guess we do have to be safe, but, seriously? This seems a bit overkill...

I looked down at myself and saw a note at my feet. I decided to pick it up.

" Dear student, your school vacation is about to start. Please make your way down to the hotel lobby for induction."

OH. I guess we were going on a vacation! But why this soon? Anyway, I need to make my way down to the main lobby. I hope Lightbulb's here.

I made my way down into the main lobby.

" PAINTY!" someone shouted, running towards me. I knew who this was right away, it was Lightbulb!

"Oh, I've missed you, Lighty!" I replied.

Then I looked around. 14 other kids were all staring at us.

" What, is this awkward?" I asked.

"Well, we should probably all introduce ourselves," a petite little suitcase said.

" OK, let's start! I'm Paintbrush, the Ultimate Painter!" I said.

"And I'm Lighty, the Ultimate Team Captain!"

" AAAAA! THIS IS AMAZING! I'M SURROUNDED BY BASICALLY EVERYONE I'VE- oh, sorry. I'm way too excited. I'm Fan, also known as the Ultimate Blogger."

"Howdy doo, everyone. I'm Test Tube, professionally known as the Ultimate Scientist."

"Um... hey everyone, I'm the Ultimate Reality TV Star, Balloon."

"Pleased to meet 'cha! I'm Soap, the Ultimate Maid!"

"Trophy. Ultimate Jock. Pound it in your head, twerp."

" I'm Cheesy, the Ultimate Comedian. Aren't I deGRATEing? Ha!"

"I'm Apple, the Ultimate Novelist. What's a grate?"

"...Baseball...Ultimate Explorer...don't talk to me."

"I'm just Suitcase, the plain Ultimate Item Holder."

"Microphone here, the Ultimate Singer! Charmed!"

"I'm the Ultimate Actor, Marshmallow!"

" I am Nickel, the Ultimate Environmental Activist. I'm SO happy to be here."

"I am Yin-THIS IS STUPID!-And this is-YANG! BOO!- We are the Ultimate Debaters, respectively."

"I'm last, huh? Knife, the Ultimate Lucky Student."

Great, now everyone knows every-


Wait, what was that sound? It seemed like it was coming from the front lobby stage.

"Hello everyone! I'm your headmaster for this trip."

The "headmaster" then revealed himself to us. He was a tall, skinny phone. His wallpaper was pretty weird, looking like that one bear from that one game Lightbulb used to play with me...

"My name is Monophone, and I am the master of this school trip! Nice to meet you all!"

"HUH?" said YinYang.

I got pretty scared at this point.

" You 16 students are all beacons of hope. And, as such, from now on, you will be confined in this hotel to be protected. You will stay here for the rest of your lives..." Monophone explained.

Everyone started freaking out.

" For the rest of our lives...?" Suitcase whimpered.

"You're screwing us, right?" Trophy asked.

"Nope! You will be staying here the rest of your lives." Monophone chirped.

" That...could be a problem." Test Tube sighed.

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" Knife yelled.

" Oh, I forgot! There is one way for you to get out." Monophone said.

"Well...what is it? I can't wait all day," Microphone begged.

" The only other way to get out of Hope's Peak Hotel is to... KILL someone and get away with it."

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