Chapter 3: Start!

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I̵ ̶c̴a̸n̸'̷t̶ ̸f̷e̸e̸l̸ ̴a̵n̷y̸t̸h̶i̸n̵g̴.̸ ̷I̷t̸'̵s̴ ̶a̵l̴l̴ ̴s̵o̸ ̴c̷o̸l̶d̷.̷ ̴E̶v̴e̵r̷y̶t̵h̷i̸n̵g̶'̵s̴ ̴b̸l̸a̶c̴k̶.̸ ̸A̸n̷ ̶e̷n̷d̵l̵e̸s̶s̷ ̸v̷o̴i̷d̵.̶ ̷S̵o̵m̷e̴o̵n̵e̸-̴a̸n̷y̴o̶n̸e̴!̴ ̶P̵l̶e̴a̶s̴e̷ ̵s̸a̴v̵e̶ ̷m̶e̴!̵ ̷ ̵L̷i̴g̷h̶t̴b̶u̶l̶b̸a̷d̶n̷i̶r̷i̸r̷e̷o̷j̴f̶j̸c̶v̴k̷f̸i̸e̵i̷


This chapter will be in Lightbulb's POV! Paintbrush is experiencing some... technical difficulties. Don't worry! Everything will be fixed... eventually.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I woke up, tears rolling down my cheeks. I'm... still stuck here, right? Oh, how I miss my home. My parents, my pet crab, Baxter, and the whole shebang. I'll be free soon. Optimism is key here. In fact, I'm the most happy object I know! 

Something is wrong, though. I should probably go back to bed.

Mmmmm...tater tots....

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Darkness. A dark place. It looked like if you took a picture of Yang up close. I...feel nothing. Man, this dream sucks! It's boring!

The dream suddenly transported me to my house! Oooo, yay! I've missed this place! It looks like Painty and my parents are here too! Coolius!

"Hey, sweetie-kins! How was your day at school?" my mom said.

"Uh...ok." I replied.

"WAIT! WHAT AM I DOING HERE?" Paintbrush asked.

"Um...Painty...are you...becoming self-aware?" I asked them.

"NO! I've been stuck in this void for a while, for 6 HOURS!"

"Cool. Have you seen anyone else?"


Then, the dream world fell apart. We were both back to darkness.

"Well, carp, Lighty."

"How... did you get here-"

"Listen, Lighty. I don't have much time until you wake up. You have to-"


*knock knock*

I was awoken by 2 small raps on my door. Huh, what a weird dream. I don't think I'm gonna trust dream Painty just yet.

I opened the door and saw an unholy sight.

"Hi, Lightbulb! Isn't today just lovely?"

Knife?!?!? What happened to him? He was never this happy to us. He was smiling and his face was all lit up!

"Uh... hello, Knife!"

"Good morning, lovely! All women are queens!"

Why is he acting like that...let's go see the others.

Knife took me to the lobby, smiling and saying nice things the whole way.

Boy, was my day about to get a lot weirder.

When I got there, Fan was dressed in a-BALL GOWN?!?!

"Why hello, Ms. Lightbulb. A pleasure to see you." Fan curtseyed.

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