Science Class: Execution

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We see Test Tube put into a science class. Monophone appears as the teacher and says that Test Tube has to get an A on her science experiment or else she will fail the class. Little Monophones are sitting all around her. 

It's an easy experiment too, Test Tube has to measure out drops of water, put them on a penny, and see how many drops can the penny hold in a dome before it breaks.

Test Tube smirks. This is going to be easy! Boy, she thought wrong.

Test Tube starts getting water in a pipette, but something is wrong with the pipette. When she squeezes out the water, it only comes out in squirts, not in little droplets, which throws the whole experiment off.

Test Tube begins to sweat, the pressure of the situation catching up to her. Monophone appears angry and comes over to her desk, whacks her with a ruler, and TEARS OUT HER FREAKING EYES. I guess you could say Monophone blinded her with science?

Test Tube, now blind and bleeding out, still continues to work on the experiment. She doesn't see the pipette one time and gets her right hand impaled. But, she can't give up now. She wants to see Fan and her lab again, no matter what it takes. She tries to cry out, but she can't from the pain.

Test Tube keeps on getting cuts and bruises all over her body, but she still keeps going. Finally, she finishes it and gives it to Monophone. 

Monophone tells her, "F! YOU FORGOT TO WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then, Test Tube gets ripped apart, alive by the little Monophones in the classroom. They all laugh at her while eating her alive. 

And, the lesson is, kids, always wear safety goggles in the lab.

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