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(Taco's POV)

Oh my god, I am drowning in wires. Who would put so many wires in the Hotel? What an awful use of decorating. Even I could decorate better than that with my little hut.

Stepping past the wires all across the room, even on the ceiling-OK, WHO PUTS WIRES HANGING DOWN FROM THE CEILING? That is just- not appetizing. 

The wires were somewhat beckoning me, leering at me, whispering journeys to the past. But, it was no time to get distracted. I had to save Nickel, Microphone, and the others.

I brushed off the wires and reached a lonesome door. There was a passcode lock on the door. I had to enter a word to go into the room. The buttons were very cold, like they hadn't been touched in years. 

"nickel" didn't work.

"baseball" didn't work.

But, 3rd time was the charm. "grandslam" was the one that worked.

The door slowly opened. I slowly creeped inside. The lights were off, so I couldn't see a thing. Luckily, I had a handy flashlight on me. I flipped it on.

The whole room had a murky scent to it. Something was oozing onto me. I decided to brush away the fear and continue going.

All the paint was coming off the walls. The oozing feeling was growing stronger. I finally gave in to my intuition and looked down with my flashlight, and saw that my feet were submerged in water.

"Eh, seen worse." I shrugged.

I finally reached the back of the room and passed through a secret passage to find the room I was looking for. The room with the contestants. I gently opened the door and saw pods. 16 pods, to be exact. One for each student. The only problem for me was that it was up on the top floor. So, I had to climb sets of stairs.

The pods looked so cold and stinky. I found a note waiting for me.


To whoever finds this note,

Congratulations! You finally made it to the room with the objects. Now, I have a challenge for you. Save all the objects in under two hours which started after you entered the passcode, or watch them all, including yourself, get shocked to death by the rising water reaching the rooftop wires. Also, don't bother saving me. My pod was the only built to actually kill me when I die. And, if you die, the nearest recovery center is 2,763 miles away! Good luck!

-Yours truly, Baseball


Wow, the pressure is really building. First, I have to find the passcode for each pod. Well, I found a clue that said, "Art imitates life", so I'll check the art on the walls. There is a painting on the wall of Baseball, and I found, "Good, the first pod numbers for Paintbrush, Lightbulb, Test Tube, and Marshmallow are 3475, 1234, 1122, and 2309, respectively! But, you still need more numbers. Find a DVD I would like and put it in the player." I went to the DVD selection and picked out a romance story, plugging it in. A different movie showed up, but it said, "Look beyond the crossroads, Jim. Cheesy-1864 Soap-9076 YinYang-2525 Apple- 4269." The next clue began after I found a model of a crossroad. I busted a model of a car and found it, saying, "Fan: 5879, Balloon: 1011, Trophy: 1111, and Suitcase: 8325. Finally, go get your path to the instructions."

The instructions were inside Baseball's pod. It said, "Welp. Here are the final 3. Nickel: 3432 Knife: 6890 Microphone: 7302. Go save them, since you are pretty smart, I guess. Just remember to read the fine print in life, whoever is reading this."

I started to put in numbers all willy-nilly. Reading the codes to the machines. Too bad the pods wouldn't open until at least 15 were ready. I was speed, putting in every number as fast as possible. Besides, it was an hour and 50 minutes in, because time is relative bullshit!

I sighed, putting in the last number. The screen above the pods lit up, and started whirring. 

There was a bunch of mist appearing out of no where.

The pods slowly opened.


I am so hyped for II 14 you all have no idea

Also, go watch BFB 22 and vote to keep Leafy safe since she is precious

See you all tomorrow in the last chapter!

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