I Need Your Help!

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Hey guys, the one and only pastatownlinguine is here, and I need some help. 

Here's the cinch: After IIRonpa is finished, I want to create a story where 2 of the IIRonpa girls go around the area and do interesting stuff, like solving supernatural mysteries, going and talking to other people, and just having a good time. It would be an interactive story, too.

The only problem is, there's a lot of good choices to choose from! So, I'm putting out my top picks! Paintbrush and Lightbulb will not be part of the choices, since they were already protagonists in IIRonpa. Here are the choices:

1. Microphone and Taco

2. Soap and Suitcase (I thought it would be good to have an underrated pick)

3. Test Tube and Fan

4. Agent Sneak and OITRD

 We could also do boy choices too, if you'd like that. Here are the boy choices:

1. Baseball and Nickel

2. YinYang and Cheesy (another underrated choice)

3. Apple and Knife (ooh, spicy)

4. Trophy and Knife

I'm trusting you guys will make a good judgement anyway it comes out. After IIRonpa ends, I will pick the top girl and boy choice and choose one of them.

One of these choices will be kind of dropped, though, because of events that happen later in the story. I'm not telling you which one, though, since it would be SPOILERS!!!!!!

Choose wisely, and stay cool!

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