Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time

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"Wake up, Paintbrush!"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Baseball with a face fully caked in makeup. He looked like the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland, that's how crazy it was.

Wait, what time is it. I looked up and saw that it was 3 am. Then I knew that things were going to get wacky.

Test Tube was passed out on the floor, probably because of how drunk she had gotten. Soap and Cheesy were playing a video game called Leo's Motel 2 while crying, Suitcase was drawing on Trophy, who had also blacked out, and Lightbulb was in an Hatsune Miku outfit. What did I miss?!?!?

I guess I should go talk to Lightbulb. Although, would it be weird to talk to her in these circumstances?

But, before I could do that, I got stopped by Cheesy. "Heyy... want to play with us?"

I didn't know better and said yes.

Both Cheesy and Soap were sniffling. Soap was crushing both of us, but when I won a round, she pushed me off the couch.

"Hey, you guys? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Paintbrush."

"Well, why are you both crying?"

"Funny story. Well, we both asked out Microphone on the same night. And, funny story, she both laughed in our faces and turned us down. We met up and talked, and Soap, funny story, challenged me to a video game. That would help us feel better."

"Well, I might ask Lightbulb out."

"Coolius! Good luck! If you get rejected, we have a squad here!"

I then, set out on my quest.

"Painty! Thank god you're here! Hey, I have something to ask you."

"I... have to ask you something too. But, your thing is probably more important, so ask me first."

"Um... well... would you... be up for... dating me? I know this seems sudden and all, but... I'VE LIKED YOU SINCE 2 YEARS AGO! AH! Sorry, but... will you accept my confession?"

"Huh... this is funny... I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course! Can I get a hug, even though you look like Hatsune Miku?"

"I'd love too!"

Lightbulb and I embraced each other. It was kind of awkward, but I loved every second of it. I saw Cheesy and Soap giving me thumbs-ups.

Ok, me and Lightbulb are dating now! Woohoo! Let's find something to do together, even if she sticks up her Hatsune Miku outfit!


Ok, my homeskillets! It's time to choose someone for you and Lightbulb to have a free time event with! The only 2 not available at this time to choose are Test Tube and Trophy, since they are blacked out. Choose wisely, everyone!

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