The Grass Is Greener: Execution

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Nickel is standing on his podium, when, in usual Danganronpa Chapter 1 fashion, a long chain linked to a shackle closes around Nickel's body, because he has no neck. Baseball tries to reach for Nickel, but it fails, as Nickel gets pulled away to the execution grounds. Nickel is surprisngly calm, though, even though his death is coming real soon. Nickel reaches the execution ground, which is a dirty coin factory, which is kind of ironic, since he is an environmental activist. Nickel is promptly tied up to a conveyor belt. Then, the conveyor belt starts, which makes the main part of the execution begin. The first stop is a furnace, where Nickel gets burned all over his body. Nickel is sweating real hard, but still remains his basic expression.  Then, he is overly washed and overly dried with lots of other coins hitting him while in this process. Nickel's bleeding and bruised all over, and his facade comes down. Nickel starts crying a little bit, but it's kind of hard to see due to the execution in the way. He is cut into pieces by a riddler, which makes sure coins are looking correct for selling. Nickel, still alive, cries out for someone, anyone, but to no avail. The last place Nickel stops at is a coining press. The press slowly lowers down, with Nickel right underneath it. Nickel sighs, and decides that his last action would be a good one. Nickel smiles at the group, to everyone's horror as the press finally lands on him. Blood spills out from underneath it. We then see everyone's horrified faces, especially Baseball, who got traumatized. The press lifts up, and Nickel's dead body is now a Monocoin. The worst part about this execution, though, is that it wasn't ecofriendly in the slightest.

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