The Final Trial Pt.4!

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Paintbrush: There's one person who I think is the mastermind, you guys!

Fan: Oooh! Tell us!

Paintbrush: Well, I think one of you already knows who the mastermind is. In fact, one of the objects here is the mastermind!

Knife: Really? You think so?

Paintbrush: Yes! Isn't that right, Baseball, the Ultimate Explorer?!?!

Baseball: What? Why are you accusing me all of a sudden?

Paintbrush: Think about it. You helped out Nickel in the first trial. That sounds like something evil a person would do...

Baseball: Oh, shut up! I only helped him so it could seem like I was the culprit! I WANTED HIM TO LIVE, GOD DANG IT!

Paintbrush: There's other evidence, too. Didn't Trophy die by a baseball bat? 

Baseball: Well, baseball is a kind of I guess that is fair for the execution.

Fan: Now that I think about it, there's another piece of evidence that I have. Remember the day when me and Lightbulb were drinking coffee?

Marshmallow: Oh, I remember! I still can't believe that Lightbulb could drink that much coffee.

Fan: Well, Lightbulb dropped the coffee on Baseball, right?


Fan: I think she did that intentionally.

Knife: Yeah! And Baseball seems to host all the events, wouldn't a killing game mastermind like to do that!

Marshmallow: And he was in every photo, too...

Baseball: STOP ACCUSING ME! For you have forgotten one thing. How could I be the mastermind if I have no money?

Paintbrush: ...that is the stupidest excuse I've ever heard. You probably had a Best Buy gift card, dude.

Baseball: But what about the votes? They seem biased towards me!

Knife: Well, Evil Suitcase was smart. She probably voted for you intentionally.

Paintbrush: Well, we've proved it, gang!

Baseball: ...

Fan: What's wrong, Baseball?

Baseball: You guys are 100% right! YUP, I AM THE MASTERMIND! 

Paintbrush: What? My intuition was correct...

Baseball: Yup, I killed and tortured the dead students. Man, you guys should've seen this coming!

* A cloud of smoke forms around Baseball, sending everyone coughing, especially Fan, since he has allergies. When he returns, Baseball looks the same, but he has Junko pigtails.*

Baseball: Well, like my new look, everyone?

Paintbrush: ...

Marshmallow: ...

Knife: ...

Fan: ... 

Baseball: ...well? I took a long time preparing this look...


Baseball: ...really?

Knife: Gotta agree with him, dude. You look like a person who would say, " KAMAKURA KAMAKURA YASSS QUEEN!"

Marshmallow: You look like the person who would call their sister smelly.

Paintbrush:  You look like the person who would have OITRD sing the background for an episode!

Baseball: Aw, you guys are mean!

*Baseball causes another smoke bomb to appear making the others cough again! (de ja vu?) When the smoke clears again, Baseball looks epic. He looks like way danker version of Monophone.*

Baseball: Is that better for you guys? IS IT?!?!

*Everyone scaredly nods.*


My Ultimate Talent would be being able to sing the entirety of the Camp Camp theme song

Also, here's a meme:

Everyone after finding out Baseball was the mastermind: OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

All the Afterlife Theater Objects: Disappointed, but not surprised.

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