Fanalicious (Puts Them Objects on Rock Rocks)

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Fan came running back into the room, tears streaming down his face.

"I MISS TEST TUBE SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Fan screamed.

I snuck a look at the paper. (If you need to remember what the note was, go back and read Test Tube's Old Stuff again.)

"Wow, she was very thoughtful." I told Fan.

"Yeah-we...we...were...very...good...friends," Fan stuttered.

"Well, you might miss her. But, at least you have that plushie now." Lightbulb said.

"I guess...hey Paintbrush, can I ask a question?" Fan asked.

"What is it? I'll probably do it, as long as it isn't killing me." I replied.

"Uh...well...would you guys like to make fanart with me? That's is kind of my hobby besides blogging, after all."

"Uh, I'll...join." I replied, a little bit hesitantly.

"Nope! I'm not doing it!" Microphone shouted.

"I will, and so will Lightbulb." Marshmallow spoke.

"And I will too!" Apple yelled.

So, we split off, with me, Lightbulb, Fan, Apple, and Marshmallow going off to draw fanart. All the others went their separate ways, for now.

"Ok, guys." Fan said, doing the stare from the JJBA first opening. "Let's draw ships."


"Heya, Marsh! What did you draw? I drew a picture of us!" Apple told Marsh.

"Well...I've been having bad dreams lately about... someone I don't know. This object...has just been engrained into my mind. I just can't stop thinking." Marsh said, revealing the picture.

The picture was very roughly sketched. It had a chairt on the left side, and an object that looked like a bow, too, on the other side.

"The funny thing is, though...I've...never met this object in my life. But why am I so obsessed with this?" Marshmallow explained.

"I don't know. Maybe it's lucid dreaming, girl." Apple replied.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just hallucinating from being a vampire, right?!" Marshmallow sighed.

Now, that I actually think about it, don't all these random objects seem...familiar or something? The only one I was actually close to was Lightbulb, since we were childhood friends. But, I think I might have known these objects from somewhere else.

It was probably media coverage, since before coming to this "hotel" we were all going to have an interview. I don't remember mine, though.

"Hey, Paintbrush! Look at this yaoi!" Fan said, holding up his drawing.

"Ew...gross!" I replied.

We all then left to meet up with the others again, still shuddering about seeing the yaoi art.


As Pearl from Steven Universe said, something is clearly wrong!

Suitcase in the audio leak to Test Tube be like:

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