The Final Trial Pt.5!

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Baseball: So, will you serve under me?

Paintbrush: Ehh, no thanks.

Fan: Nope.

Knife: I don't think so.

Marshmallow: Not on my life.

Baseball: ...

Baseball: Oh, you guys thought I was serious? Sorry, it's been so hard being Monophone. I haven't had an audience since, like half a year ago!

Marshmallow: So, Inanimate Insanity. The Ultimate Despair. Fess up about that.

Baseball: Awww, really? owo! I don't think I can, uwu! I'd need some uwu-inducing backup help!

Knife: Please stop doing are very gross.

Baseball: *sighs* Wow, you guys think I'm gross? I'm atrociously filthy? Remember the motives.

Paintbrush: The first motive was based on family relations.

Monophone: Technically, BASEBALL didn't play fair in that one! But that's the fun of despair!

Paintbrush: So, you specifically targeted Balloon for the motive.

Baseball: Yeppers peppers! I sure did! Balloon was mean!

Marshmallow: Hey, that doesn't add up to his character traits!

Knife: This might have something to do with the outside world-

Fan: Yeah! Didn't Baseball also not play fairly in the slightest in Chapter 4?

Baseball: Yeah, viewers! You heard it first! Lightbulb told me all about the way she was going to give up hope, so I tortured her for the motive!

That's too cruel to be true... But, I have to keep moving forward!

Paintbrush: Wait, there's something I have to find out, Baseball.

Baseball: Bite my leather fucking ass, Paintbrush!

Paintbrush: You said that you haven't had an audience since half a year ago, right?

Baseball: Of course, I did.

Paintbrush: Well, we only have been here for a couple weeks.

Marshmallow: That's true! Maybe the program wiped our memories!

Baseball: Actually, that was all me.

Knife: Wha?

Baseball: Yeah, I wiped out your memories. Or, at least tried to.

Fan: What do you mean, "tried to"?

Baseball: Well, I didn't realize a fault in my plan until the end of the first trial.

Monophone: Yep, I voted for Nickel to give Baseball true despair!

Baseball: But, at the trial, I realized that OITRD had not had their memories removed.

Paintbrush: Oh jeez, so that's how the letters were sent.

Baseball: (damn OITRD, always ruining things)

Fan: Wait, was OITRD part of the Ultimate Despair, along with Taco?

Baseball: Well, that's what I thought. Nope!

Everyone except Baseball: *le gasp*

Baseball: Yep, you smooth fuckers, you are despair itself! 

Everyone: *le gasp*

Marshmallow: But, I still have a question.

Baseball: Huh? Oh, I thought you knew that already, owo!

Paintbrush: Uh, no we didn't. 

Baseball: Well, cross my heart and fuck my life, I won't tell you that!

Fan: Actually, I might have a theory, since I watch a lot of anime.

Baseball: Oh, I'm so sad now. Please, do tell Old Baseball here that theory...

Fan: Ok, in one of the anime I watched, 16 students were put in a killing game, just like this! And, that was a program, too! Well, what if someone messed up the game. You know, like from the outside?


Fan: ...or, you could've set it up, and then OITRD and Taco would try and stop it.

Baseball: Oh, I counted on Taco coming to stop it. She always would. OITRD, I didn't think would betray me. Besides, he was brainwashed, right?

Baseball: Oh bother, I'm becoming quite old, right? My brain doesn't work as good as it did weeks ago...

Fan: Yeah, sure, weeks ago-

Paintbrush: We need to find the final truth of the killing game: Why Baseball wanted us to be in a program!


Oh jeez, the next part will be the final part of the trial! Oh my god, thank you guys for sticking with me through out this story! This story needs memes now.

OITRD: I feel like I might be revealed soon, so ask me questions.

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