Liar Liar Wife on Fire

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"Wow! This movie is super scary!" Suitcase shouted.

The ghosts of the dead students were marathoning the Saw series, right at the part where one of the people saws off their leg.

"Ew, gross!" YinYang shouted.

"Not medically correct. He would only have to saw off his heel to escape, not his whole freaking foot." Test Tube explained.

"When did you become a doctor?" Balloon asked.

"I...just know that little tidbit." Test Tube elaborated.

"Hey, where did Nickel go? He's supposed to be here, right?" Soap asked.

"I'll go get him." Balloon said.

Balloon stepped out right as all the others screamed. He walked outside the theater and into the theater lobby. Nickel was standing right in front of the theater, looking at a scrapbook.

"Hey, Nickel-"

"AAAAAA! Phew, you scared me, dude."

"What are you looking at?"


He showed me the scrapbook with pictures of him and his best friend hanging out.

"Man, I sure hope Taco's plan succeeds..." Nickel whispered.

"Yeah, don't we all? Except for the mastermind, I guess."

"True. When the mastermind gets up here, I'm gonna beat the mastermind up!!!!"

"Yeah! We all will!"

"Whoop whoop! I still have another problem, though..."


"Should I forgive Baseball or not for killing me?"

"Of course not. He caused your death, dude."

"Ok...I'm still not sure, though..."

"Let's go back and watch the rest of the movies! I'll grab some popcorn we can share..."

"Yeah, let's do it! I love horror films!"

The two of them went back in and sat down next to Suitcase, sharing the popcorn together, watching all the traps unfold.

Everything was good, for now.

"I'm going to talk to Soap..." Suitcase said.

"Ok, do it." Nickel replied.

Suitcase walked over to Soap. Soap saw her and smiled.

"Hey, dude!" Soap said.

"Can I ask you a question, Soap?" Suitcase asked.

"Yep, shoot it!"

"Uh...want to be friends? I'm still so sorry that I caused your death. Evil Suitcase-"

"Oh, it's fine. We can be friends! I know you wouldn't kill me on purpose without a motive, right?"

"Of course, Soap. Wanna get some Hot Tamales?"

"Of course, Ms. Permanent Smile! Then we can find out what we wanna do next, too!"

So, new friendships were made. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. Or, does it?


Object in the Red Dress: I'm going to play a song for you.

Object in the Red Dress: It's called "My Life".

Taco: I'd love to hear it, dude!

Object in the Red Dress: *takes a deep breath, plays a chord*

Object in the Red Dress: *SCREAMS*

Taco: *wearing Airpods* That's beautiful, bro.

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