Trial Pt. 1

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Monophone: You guys know the drill! Find the person who killed Cheesy and Soap.

Baseball: I have a question that we really need to answer first.

Lightbulb: And, what is that?

Baseball: Who could turn out the lights at the pool?

Marshmallow: Well, Soap, Fan, and Paintbrush weren't in the pool area. It couldn't possibly be Paintbrush, since he's a puppet.

Apple: Wait, Paintbrush is a boy?

Trophy: I heard some voices when the lights went out. If someone knew which voice was which, that would help.

Suitcase: Welp, I think I heard Cheesy, then it was me, then Knife, and then I think Soap?

Microphone: But why would Soap be in the room? Wasn't she setting up the magic show?

Baseball: Now that I think about it, the magic show only had a couple of things to set up. She would have plenty of time to help out.

Knife: But it was pitch black in the dark. Would Soap be able to plan that out perfectly? 

Lightbulb: Let's discuss the murder weapon. It was a katana, right?

Suitcase: Or it could've been one of those volleyball poles...

Lightbulb: No, that's wrong!

Suitcase: W-what?

Lightbulb: Cheesy was impaled by one of those poles, and then quickly sliced. So, the katana would be the weapon.

Suitcase: Sorry then.

Fan: Who could slice Cheesy that fast? And, more importantly, where could they put a katana?

Lightbulb: Let's tackle that later.

Knife: Well, we obviously know who killed Soap is. It's Marshmallow.

Marshmallow: I didn't kill her! Someone framed me!

Knife: Yeah right. Who else could have crazy sharp teeth?

Fan: I...may actually have an idea.

Knife: Oh? Elaborate.

Fan: It could've been you, Knife...

Knife: What?!?! Why are you accusing me all of a sudden!

Fan: I did some research at the library, and it said that when people personality swap back to normal, they don't remember what they did.

Knife: That's utter craziness!

Trophy: You're only proving our point.

Knife: What about you? YOU COULD BE CRAZY, TOO!

Marshmallow: STOP! You all are missing an easy solution.

Lightbulb: Let's hear it...

Marshmallow: Since you guys are all reverted to normal, I could just bite myself to bring out some blood! Then, we can see who is the 4th student to have a personality swap!

Lightbulb: But, before we do that, we gotta discuss Soap's death.

Baseball: Only Marshmallow, Soap, and Suitcase were backstage.

Suitcase: Not true! I left stage to warn you guys about the danger.

Lightbulb: And we couldn't tell if anyone left the audience, because we were all either watching the show or performing in it!

Apple: Wait, where was Trophy? He'd probably be backstage, too!

Trophy: Nope! I was on stage the whole time, being Microphone's legs in the sawing in half act!

Lightbulb: Ok, Marsh. Now would be a good time to get some blood!

Marshmallow: You got it.

Marshmallow bites hard into her right hand. Everyone can visibly see the blood. There is a moment of silence. It seems like everyone who had a personality swap was into their swap. Suddenly...

???: Aha...!

Another moment of silence. Everyone is extremely nervous now, knowing that the 4th object that was swapped would be revealed to them.

???: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Suitcase: Hey everyone! I'd like to say thank you for over 1,000 reads on IIRonpa! We all really appreciate it! Now, we will get back to the story soon!

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