The Final Trial Pt. 3!

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Paintbrush: Wait, Monophone. Can I ask you something?

Monophone: Sure! As long as you tell me what you're planning to do.

Paintbrush: Can I see the results of the trials again? I want to test out something...

Monophone: Sure, here you go! Which trial do you want to see?

Paintbrush: Suitcase's.

*Monophone pulls up the votes. Everyone voted for Suitcase, except for one person, who voted for another object. Go read the trial again to find out.*

Paintbrush: I also wanted to check Nickel's trial.

*The votes are shown again, with 15 votes for Nickel, and one vote for the same person.*

Baseball: Wait, how could there have 16 votes if there were only 15 students alive?

Monophone: Oh, that's simple! I VOTED FOR NICKEL. 

Baseball: What? 

Monophone: True. I wanted to see you suffer, Baseball.

Baseball: And why? I thought- oh never mind. This is no use.

This is all adding up. I think I can make a case now. But, what if I'm wrong? 

Marshmallow: Why would our text boxes be glitching out?

Fan: Maybe...this isn't real.

Knife: What? That's nonsense.

Fan: Maybe...this is all a PROGRAM!!!!

Paintbrush: That...actually makes sense.

Baseball: Why?

Paintbrush: Well, back in Chapter 3, I was stuck in the void. I was the first one to do the weird text box glitch thing. That can also explain why the mastermind was able to personality switch us.

Baseball: But there's still something cloudy in that idea.

Paintbrush: Huh?

Baseball: How could any one of us program it such an advanced program?

Marshmallow: I'll take this one. Best Buy and/or Walmart has everything, right?

Baseball: Of course, why didn't I think of that?

Marshmallow: So, the mastermind could've been using a computer that was MAGICAL!!!!!

Baseball: Oh.

I looked back agin at all the memories I had made... something's not right. One person has all the evidence stacked up for them... but I'm not sure. I have to pursue it!


Ask me any questions before I destroy your hearts in the next couple chapters!

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