But What We Do is Inconsequent...

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"Hey, Paintbrush, let's listen to the song on the principal's computer!" Fan yelled!

Fan dragged me back up to the the dirty office and we put in the song Keep on Cleaning.

"Man, we all got serious pipes!" I said.

"So, all 5 of us appear in this song, and we all either talk or sing."

"But, we can eliminate the 17th student as a possibility, along with Lightbulb, Suitcase, and Trophy." 

"Good thinking!"

I continued looking at all the photos, but then-

*ding bong bong bing*

"Ok, kiddos! It's time for the class trial! Get ready for thrills, action, and excitement! Get ready for people spouting howdy neighbor! Wait, that's a whole different show than Inanimate Insanity. Come over here." Monophone said.

"Inanimate Insanity, so that's what connects us all together."  I checked the Keep on Cleaning video one last time, and it says it was from a show called Inanimate Insanity. Another clue added. I went down to the elevator.

I was the first one there, as evidenced by the room being silent. Then, Knife came in.

"Hey Knife, what's up?"

"Pretty terrified, and very scared."

Then, Fan and Baseball came in, shaking. Finally, Marshmallow came racing in, panting.

Little did we know we would come face to face with despair.

 I started making my way toward the opening. Step after step toward that gaping maw... I'd resolved that this would be the last time. I repeated to myself that there was no fear, no mystery left. I pushed my anxiety down, calmed my trembling body. And finally, on steady legs...

...I passed the threshold and stood in the elevator.

Without warning it began to descend... Deeper and deeper...

Deeper...deeper...deeper still.

Deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper...

Deeper and deeper it fell...

I closed my eyes, and sight fell away. All sound, too, disappeared. Alone in the universe, I waited for the elevator doors to open for the last time. What could have been seconds or centuries later...I felt the gentle vibration of the elevator come to an end. I slowly opened my eyes.

This was it. The final trial of the game. We would find the despair or die trying. Let's do this. For everyone who's died before us. For Lightbulb. 


Nickel: This is probably the 2nd weirdest way I've almost died

Balloon: What was the first

Nickel: It was very complicated but, long story short, me and Baseball are banned from every Olive Garden in the area

Mastermind: Ask me questions, since I might die soon!

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