Free Time Event 1

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You chose: Knife

I decided to go hang out with Knife. It didn't take that long to find him. He was in the AV room of the hotel.

"Hey Knife, what's up?" I said. He didn't seem to notice me. I saw that Knife was looking through a selection of movies.

"Uh...Knife?" I asked.

He finally turned around and saw me. "Gah! What are you doing here?"

"Well, I just wanted to come hang out with you, to lighten my mood a bit."

"Don't push it. We'll watch a movie of my choice. Why don't you be useful and make some popcorn for us?"


I went down to the cafeteria and grabbed 2 bags of popcorn. I then headed back to the AV Room.

"Took you long enough. I already set up the movie."

I grabbed the popcorn bags and put the popcorn into 2 bowls. Knife then pressed play on the movie.

The movie was pretty weird. It was about 4 kids trying to stop one of their moms from declaring war on Canada. And, it was a musical?!?

"You know, this songs reminds me of my old friend, Taco." Knife said during a number with a lot of swear words.


"She seemed all nice at first, but she turned out to be a backstabbing manipulator."

"That's... kind of harsh."

"Well, she deserved it."

"People can change, you know. Maybe, if we all can escape here, you can try and mend your relationship with... who?"

"Taco. Highly unlikely, though, since she could still manipulate me."

"You know, Knife, you don't seem like a bad person."

"I'm probably the worst person here. I'm a jerk."


"I used to bully people. Hard. Drove people to insanity. Taco was the one who made me try and get nicer because of how awful she was. I'm trying to get better, though."

"Well, what I've learned is to be thoughtful to other people and to always have their interests in mind."

"You sound like a freaking Hallmark card, Paintbrush."

Knife and I had a fun time watching a movie together.

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