Together Forever

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*object in the red dress's pov*

*7 months before the killing game*

I slink down in my Hotel OJ bed, sighing. Everyone is in here, except for the soon to be mastermind.

"Do it! I'll give you some advice." Soap told me.

"Yeah! Do it!" Paper shouted.

The other objects were all crowding around me. I don't like to be surrounded by a lot of people, but I needed it this time.

"Good luck!" Trophy told me.

I sighed, clutching the note I had in my hand. The note was a little torn, but you could obviously see the writing on it, still.

I went outside and began walking to the place the mastermind wanted to meet me. Back then, the mastermind was still a normal object. The note told me to go to the mine, you know, like in Episode 13? Yeah, I remember watching that episode over and over again, watching all the drama unfold.

I got to the area, and saw the mastermind waiting for me. The mastermind had set up a picnic spot for the both of us. That mastermind is evil, but the mastermind's cooking skills are even worse.

Since I was close to the mastermind, though, I was nice and ate the mastermind's horrible food.

Too bad the food got worse after that day.

We talked while we ate the food, about how crazy everything had gotten, how I had become my 'Ultimate Talent' or whatever it's called, and we sat. I saw the mastermind's eyes staring deeply into mine, but I didn't notice it, yet.

"Hey, could I ask you something?" the mastermind asked me.

"Um...of course, dude." I replied.

"'mon, you got this, mastermind) WOULD YOU GO OUT WITH ME?" the mastermind asked me.

I froze. I always knew this moment would happen, we both knew it. But, I just couldn't say yes to this offer just yet. I just wanted to be friends still.


"So, do you?"

"...I'm sorry, I can't. I don't want things to change between us. I still want to be friends, and maybe once we grow a bit closer, we can date. But, just give me a little time."

The mastermind, of course, took this in the completely wrong way.
"Yeah, ok, that's fair. I'll go now."  the mastermind told me.
I could hear the mastermind's heart breaking on the inside. I tried hugging the mastermind the best I could...then the mastermind ran off.

I think that was the final straw for the mastermind. The mastermind wanted to make me suffer because I didn't want to date just yet? That's kind of dumb.

Then, all of a sudden, the big party at Hotel OJ was being held.
The mastermind wanted to go to Best Buy. I decided to check on the mastermind, to see if the mastermind was ok.
The mastermind wasn't.
That's how I ended up in this situation.


All I wanna do is play Fortnite and not get abused!

Me and Taco would go up to the rooftops late at night to talk and develop our plan. Also, I'd have a new bruise every day.

Taco was pretty nice to me. The nicest, in fact.

She's so gonna call me out once she gets here.
I think Nickel, Baseball, Suitcase, and Balloon should form a band like Gorillaz


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