Explorers of the Mighty Sugar Rush

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The next morning, I went to the cafeteria, only to find that Lightbulb and Fan were arguing.

"No way! I'm totally going to win!" Lightbulb argued.

"Well, just you wait!" Fan scoffed.

I pulled Marshmallow aside.

"What are those two arguing about?" I asked her.

"Well...the want to see who can drink the most cups of coffee. Everyone is betting on it. I'm voting Fan, since he probably stays up all night watching anime." Marshmallow replied.

I placed my bet on Lightbulb, since she needed support. 

"Ok, everyone! We are about to start the coffee drinking contest! The people competing are Lightbulb and Fan!" Baseball announced, since he was the unofficial helper at Hotel OJ.

Lightbulb and Fan looked at each other.

"3...2...1...go!" The 2 objects were downing coffee as fast as they could.

"Wow, I didn't even know Lightbulb drank that much coffee." Knife remarked.

"Fan's totally winning." Trophy scoffed.

"WOOOO! GO LIGHTBULB!!!!!" Apple and I yelled.

They were neck and neck. Fan finally seemed to be slowing down. After what seemed to be his 51st cup, he collapsed.

"Lightbulb wins!!!!" Baseball shouted.

Lightbulb had 83 cups of coffee. 

"Good match, Lightbulb." Fan panted.

"Wow...that was pretty hard..." Lightbulb remarked.

"Well then, we shall bounce of the hotel walls tonight..." Fan said.

"By the way...which one of you was...taken last night?" Lightbulb asked us.

Everyone began to visibly sweat. No one wanted to answer it.

"...ah well. I guess whoever did get taken was just hiding their pain so they wouldn't want us to worry...."

Lightbulb then fell to the ground, spilling all the coffee onto Baseball.

"Aw jeez...I'm so sorry." Lightbulb sighed.

"It's ok, girl! Who wants to explore the 3rd floor that Monophone just told me about?"

We all nodded. The 3rd floor was open, and we all went exploring up there.

Fan, Lightbulb, Trophy, and I went as a group. We found a living room, a wine cellar, a greenhouse,  and that was it. Man, how many floors are in this thing?

When we were walking back down to the first floor, Trophy spotted an unfamiliar room on the second floor, right by the pool.

The door leading to the room had a sign on it, reading: DO NOT ENTER OR YOU WILL DIE.

We opened the door very slowly, only to see that it had been abandoned for possibly months. It looked like a storage room. The only difference was that there was snot covering the walls of it.

"...this feels...familiar...somehow..." Trophy pondered.

It was night now, so I once again went to bed early, but after checking in on Lightbulb, who was running up and down the hallways. Once again, everyone had went their separate ways.


Fan and Lightbulb literally went:

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