Chapter 2: Start!

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Ok, before we start, there's a couple things I want to say. You can still put your questions for Agent Sneak in, because they will be answered at the end of Chapter 2, in the next transition chapter. Also, I'm going to make this chapter better and more fleshed out. Let's begin!


I woke up, shaking and trembling. Am I really still... of course I am. So this isn't a bad dream. Two of us are know, I should go get some food. That would probably help me feel better.

When I got to the cafeteria, the girls were all on one side and the boys were all on another. Where should I sit? I'd...probably feel off at both tables.

For those of you who don't know yet, I'm nonbinary. Only Lightbulb knows this though, since we're best friends.

I'll sit with Lightbulb and the other girls, since I'd feel safer with them. Looks like Microphone, Soap, Marshmallow, Test Tube, Suitcase, and Fan are also at the table. It looks like the boys are doing better. I'm glad because it looks like Baseball's trying to be happy again.

"Heya, Painty! We want to ask you something!" Lightbulb said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, Fan had the great idea of holding a sleepover in the dorms tonight! We were going to invite everyone and have fun!" Marshmallow said.

"I'll do it!" I chirped.

"I'll clean up the dorms at the beginning and end, if you would like." Soap proposed.

"I can get a karaoke machine!" Microphone chirped.

"Golly gee, I could make some snacks and set up the room with Fan." Test Tube said.

"I... could get pillows and blankets for people to sleep on." Suitcase whimpered.

"And I'll ask the boys if they want to join!" Lightbulb said.

"What about you, Paintbrush?" Test Tube asked.

"Uh... I'll go to the AV room and get some movies." I said.

"Good, then we're all set! Everyone, start preparing for an awesome time!" Fan shouted, then we all went our separate ways.

I went to the AV room and picked out some good movies, excluding the one I watched with Knife. Then, I went to Fan's dorm. 

The dorm looked amazing! I heard Baseball had put up the decorations, since he was tall. Looks like he's trying to move forward!

Lightbulb told me that all the boys were coming and helping out. Apple was bringing fingerpaints and nail polish, Trophy picked out the music, YinYang would bring board games, Knife would bring video games, and Cheesy would make goody bags.

This sleepover was going to be epic! I'm going to stay up all night and have loads of fun!

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