Chapter 4: Start!

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(Guess what, everyone! We're back to Paintbrush's POV! Yep, they're not dead yet. Woohoo!)

I startled myself awake out of my bed. Man, it felt so good to be in control of my voice and body. I couldn't glitch out anymore! Yay!

I'm...guessing Lightbulb would like to see me. I sat up out of bed, and walked down to the cafeteria.

"PAINTY!!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!" Lightbulb yelled, running at me. She threw herself onto me, hugging me tight.

"It's good to see you too. What did I miss?" I asked her.

"Well, Fan was all princess-like, you were a puppet, Marsh was a vampire, and Knife was actually nice for once. Big shocker, right? Anyways, let me get to the point. Suitcase became all evil and called herself Evil Suitcase. How original. Evil Suitcase killed both Cheesy and Soap. Then, Suitcase died, too! That's what you missed!"

"So, you're telling me, I was a princess?" Fan butted in.

"Oh, right! You need to go to Test Tubes room and open her safe again! Princess Fan saw what was in it, then closed it. I was with you. Go, go!" Lightbulb told Fan.

Fan left the room with the key to the safe.

"Wow, Fan seems happy." I sighed.

"Yay! Now I don't have a crippling addiction to fruit anymore!" Marshmallow squeaked.

Everyone seemed so happy together. I think I might just hang out with everyone today.


Chiaki Nanami: Waifu so nice that they killed her twice :(

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