A Quick Break

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Hey, my lovely followers! I feel like the ship Bickel isn't getting enough appreciation lately, so here's a story about him! The trial will be out soon! Also, this may or may not relate to the story. It's up how you perceive it.


"Meet me at the lake? What does he want now?" Nickel sighed, slamming his head and phone into his pillow at Hotel OJ. It had been 2 months since he had been eliminated. He and Baseball had been texting ever since.

"Maybe it's about... actually, I don't know what he wants. I never really got into your alliance." Balloon replied. Nickel and Balloon had shared a room at Hotel OJ, since they got eliminated in the same episode. Slowly but surely, Nickel had warmed up to Balloon.

"Well, I'd better meet him there. It isn't fun when he's angry..." Nickel said.

"Dude, Baseball totally is your best friend. It isn't hard to see it." Balloon pointed out.

"I mean...HOLY MINT I SEE IT NOW! I gotta get there. But, what if he abandons me?" 

"He wouldn't abandon you, bro. If he does, I'll get plenty of ice cream ready for you to cry into. Don't be afraid, bro."

Nickel then said goodbye to Balloon and went down to the lobby of Hotel OJ. Then, he grabbed an umbrella and left. 

Rain was pouring down outside. It was very cold and windy. Thunder and lightning were striking across the sky. 

Suddenly, a big thunder boom blew up, causing Nickel to drop his umbrella from under his right foot.

"Ttthisss...better...beeeee....goooddd....Baseball..." Nickel shivered.

Nickel slowly walked down to the lake. There was a note waiting for him there.


To Nickel. If you are not Nickel, please stop reading.

I wanted to hang out with you by the lake tonight, since it would be nice to see you again. However, I didn't check the weather tonight. (Whoops!) I decided to go in the cabin right next to this note. I'm making hot chocolate! 



Nickel, now sopping wet, turned around and saw the cabin Baseball was talking about. He Ran into the door as fast as he could.

"Hey dude! Glad you could make it- oh. Get a towel, you seem pretty soaked." 

Nickel grabbed a towel, wiped the water off him, and sat down.

"So, dude, what's up?" Baseball asked, sliding a glass of hot cocoa over to Nickel.

"Not much. Getting eliminated sucked, but Hotel OJ's nice." Nickel replied, drinking the hot cocoa.

"Yeah, I-"


"Yeah, cooking isn't my strongest suit."

"Aw well."

"Hey, I brought you here because..."

"Because what?"

"I got you a gift."

Baseball then went out of the room. Nickel stood up quietly and followed him. In the next room over, Baseball was standing over a counter with a book on the table.

"Ta da! I hope you like it, because my feet are sore from making it."

Nickel opened the book. Turns out, it was a scrapbook of all the memories the two had together! 

"I got Trophy to give me some pictures he didn't want." Baseball pointed out.

Baseball had gotten a lot of pictures, too! Nickel was amazed.

"It looks like you don't like it-" Baseball started.

"THIS IS AMAZING! Thank you so much, Baseball! How can I pay you back?" Nickel exclaimed.

"I don't know-"


"Oh...ok...anyways, I have to head back to the show, or else MePad will disqualify me."

"See you soon. Win II for me."

"Can't count on it, Chief."

"That's...a really bad nickname."


Baseball and Nickel went their separate ways, with Nickel taking the scrapbook with him.

Nickel walked all the way back to Hotel OJ genuinely smiling, which was rare for him.

"Welcome back! How did it go?" Balloon asked.

"Good!" Nickel replied, sitting on the hotel bed. He was already thinking about the next time they could hang out again...


Fun Fact: I actually love Nickel and don't like Baseball that much. But, I have to say their ship is cute and fits them well.

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