Grand Slam: Execution Part 2/2

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Baseball hobbles over to the afterlife theater door, since he only has one leg. He has trouble opening the door, but he opens it. Waiting for him inside are 11 angry objects. The 3 most angry ones are Nickel, Suitcase, and Lightbulb. Baseball smiles at Nickel, but Nickel isn't having any of that shit. Soap says, "Welp, you guys, get him." Everyone runs over to Baseball with their weapons and start beating him up. Baseball is taken by surprise, falling down on the ground. All the objects go nuts on him. Even Nickel is able to cut off a bit off his heel. Once they are done, Baseball is laying on the ground, groaning. Then, the objects carry him over to another theater 3 doors down. Baseball is trying to move away, but Test Tube and Soap have good grip. In the theater is the machine Balloon was talking about. Nickel throws Baseball into the chair. YinYang and Cheesy then put in a video that is "Shape World for Eternity"  Baseball is tired but full of disbelief. He just wanted to see Nickel again, and Nickel threw him into the chair. Finally, Balloon, Nickel, and Suitcase add eye clamps so Baseball can't look away, while Baseball screams and kicks. Baseball says, "PLEASE LET ME OUT, NICKEL!!!" But, Nickel replies, "Are you fucking kidding me? First, you abuse me for six months on end. Then, you kill Balloon and frame me. Next, you give me a painful death. And now, you want me forgive you?!?! Oh, go jump off a bridge. That's too basic, even for you!" Nickel then leaves the room. Apple, Trophy, and Microphone then shut the door to the theater, leaving Baseball to suffer for eternity. They put a sign on the door that says: "DO NOT OPEN! EVIL PERSON INSIDE!!!" Nickel then turns back to everyone, with an angry look on his face. Everyone looks scared. "Hey, you guys! Wanna play Fortnite?" Nickel asks, his face lighting up. Everyone cheers and they walk back to their afterlife theater.


Balloon: Well, everyone's happy now. Ask us questions while we wait for Nickel's quote, "outside help".


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