A Lovely Day...

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I woke up, a little bit mad at Painty for calling me stinky. I'll have them know that I put on deodorant... only on Tuesdays. 

I guess it's time for me to wake up...another sunny day in paradise. Great. 

I walked down to the cafeteria and looked around.

There's only crabs to eat...I'm not eating!

I sat down with Marshmallow and Apple, since Painty probably wouldn't be here, right? They always seem to be fighting.

"The apple IS MINE!!!" Marshmallow fought, pulling an apple out of Apple's hands.

"No, it's delicious?!" Apple yelled back.

"Isn't this cannibalism, Apple? And Marsh, weren't you against this like, a day ago?" I asked.

"Becoming a vampire gave me a desire for fruit. I want to sink my teeth into something," Marsh said, eyeing me. Oh no, I don't want to be a vampire!

"And, whats an apple?" Apple asked.

Oh boy. I'm really concerned about them... I'm sitting with Fan.

"Oh...um...hi...what's your name again?"

"Lightbulb. I was dressed as Miku at the party."

"OHH, YOU! You're...fun, Miss Lightbulb."


I guess I should hang out with someone. But who?


It's that wonderful time again! Choose a character to have a freetime event. You can't choose Painty, cause they're stuck in the void inside a puppet, Marshmallow and Apple, since they're fighting, and Fan, since you just talked to her. Toodle loo, and choose wisely!

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