Everything's A-OJ

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I think I'm going to hang out with Baseball.

"Hey, Baseball!" I yelled out.

"What's up, Lightbulb? You're not going to kill me, right?" he responded.

"What, no, of course I wouldn't. I just want to hang out with you, that's all."

"Oh, ok. I feel kind of guilty, Lightbulb. I knowingly caused this killing game to start. I feel like a burden to everyone. I miss Nickel so much. I should've taken his place."

"Could I ask you a question? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to."

"What is it?"

"Why did you want to kill someone?"

"...well, I guess you need to know. I really was freaking out when we got put in a killing game. So, I decided to get Nickel to escape in any way possible. I...didn't know what would happen if it failed."

"...wow. I just thought you didn't like him or something."

"No, he was my best friend for 9 years. I may even had feelings for him at one point.  I wish I had a time machine to undo my mistakes..."

"Well, you have to keep on moving forward! You can't die here! There still is a chance we could all make it out together! And, there also might be a chance for everyone to revive, too? I don't know, but despair isn't fun!"

"...wow...I never thought of it that way...that's pretty inspiring, Lightbulb..."

"Now then, what should we do together?"

"We could bake something! I'm not good at it, but I want to get better."

So, Baseball and I set off to the kitchen to bake something. Baseball made some hot chocolate, and we both made some cake. Then, we put a cross in it to make it a Cake at Stake, based off our favorite reality TV show...

Wait, something is wrong. I've never seen Balloon on reality TV, but that was his ultimate talent. Aw well, he was probably on a show I've never seen before.

"Hey, I found an Ouija board, Lightbulb! Maybe we can talk to our dead classmates!" Baseball squealed.

"Ok, let's do it!" I replied.

We set up the game, and we both place a hand, or in Baseball's case, a foot, onto the pointer-thingy.

"I'll ask the questions. Oh spirits of the dead, are you here?" Baseball asked.

The pointer-thingy began to move all by itself over to the yes.


"Oh lovely spirits, who is next to die?"

The ouija board spelled out "The future is uncertain for a certain  object."

"Oh spirits, who is the mastermind?"

The board spelled out "The mastermind knows who they are."

"Can I speak to Nickel?"

The board spelled out, "No. He doesn't want to talk to you. Maybe forgive and you might see him?"

"Aw hamburgers. Welp, it's time for bed, Baseball. You don't want a spirit to possess you, after all." I told Baseball.

"Well, thanks for letting me hang out with you." Baseball replied.

I walked back to my bed, squeeing, knowing that tomorrow, Painty would be back.

I grew a little closer to Baseball today. Zzz...


Chapter 3: END!

Objects left: 9/16


Duh duh duh duh duh duh Cake at Stake!

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