Free Time Event!

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I think I might spend some time with Trophy. Besides, he could probably be the fourth student to have a personality swap, right?

"Hey, Trophy..." I asked.

"What do you want, nerd?" Trophy scoffed.

"Do you...maybe wanna hang out?" 

"Wow...this is the first time anyones wanted to hang out with me...thanks, Lightbulb."

"So, what do you wanna do?"

"I was thinking about finding out more about the personality swaps. Besides, there is probably a loophole for the people somewhere."

We went looking around for clues.

"Hey, look a camera!" Trophy shouted.

"Why are you so excited about cameras, Trophy? I thought you were the ultimate jock!" 

"'s kind of a long story."

"I wanna hear it!"

"Like you care! You'll probably just tell everyone else and embarrass me!"

"I swear on my life, I won't tell anyone."

"If you say so. I lived in a big competitive, athletic family. I was forced by my parents to become a jock. They didn't want me to be soft. On my 9th birthday, my grandma got me a camera. She told me, "Let them eat cake, sugar bun."

"Your grandma called you sugar bun?"

"Sharing my life story, haha. Well, I loved the camera to death. I pretended to be a jock for my parents, but, when I had free time, I took pictures. When my grandma passed away, I put a collage of pictures of her. That way, I could never forget who actually found my passion."

"Wow! You should take some pictures here!"

"I'm just scared. What will they think? I want to be seen as a strong person."

"TROPHY. NO ONE CAN TELL YOU WHAT IS RIGHT. If you want to take photos, take them! You can still be seen as strong. Just do what you want!"

"Pfft. Like I'd take advice from you...actually, thanks a lot."

"No prob, Bob!"

"Ok, stop making me distracted! Let's research!"

Trophy and I grabbed Knife and started testing out things.

Turns out, a person can revert back to their normal personalities from 10 to 11 at night, or if they see blood. Interesting, huh?

Knife snapped at us with my blood dripping," This is just a dream, and I'm not turning sweet- I LOVE TO SINGA

About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a,

I love to sing-a,

About a sky of blue-a, or a tea for two-a- HOLY BLADE!"

Trophy and I giggled. We then went to the library to read for a little bit.


I broke out in laughter. I grabbed a Harry Potter book at sat down. Trophy got 50 Shades of Grey.

Trophy was cringing the whole way through the book. I laughed so hard at him. I decided to read it with him, since he wouldn't suffer alone.

"Welp, it's time for bed." I yawned.

"Yeah, I'm beat. I'm gonna have nightmares from that book."

"Same. Hey, if you wanna hang out with me, you can."

"Tch! As if!" I don't think he meant that though, since, when I left, he was smiling.

I felt like I grew a little closer to Trophy today.

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