An All Exclusive Trip: Execution

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The floor drops below a very confused Suitcase, and she falls and lands on a carpeted floor. She thinks she is safe, but then, she is abruptly opened. She sees a family of 8 Monophones, all ready for a vacation. And, for Suitcase's luck, she is the only suitcase getting used. They all start jamming things into Suitcase. It's fine for Suitcase at first, but as more and more stuff gets added into her, it becomes increasingly painful. Also, it is revealed that the family thinks Suitcase is a self-moving suitcase, too. Suitcase is incredibly stuffed, due to this weird form of forced-feeding. The family then tries to test out if Suitcase can move by herself. Suitcase tries to stand up, but is weighed down by all the objects in her, and collapses. All the objects in her causes to make her have an extremely painful, ripped out smile. The family decides that Suitcase is useless, and takes out all the stuff from her. Suitcase, still through her painful smile, breathes a sigh of relief. But then, all of the Monophones throw her out the window of their 3-story house. Suitcase falls down and catches her neck (just imagine her body being stuck) on the clothesline of the house. Unable to unhang herself, Suitcase slowly suffocates and dies, a la Final Destination.

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