Trial Pt.2

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Ok, this part will be a little bit shorter due to dramatic effects. Read it!


Everyone besides ???: *le gasp*

Lightbulb: Now, that I see who it is, it totally makes sense!


Trophy: I totally called it. Apple, hand me my 5 bucks.

Apple: *gets 5 bucks and gives them to Trophy*

Knife: Well, what should we call you, since I don't want to get confused with your other personality.

???: Oh, right. That is a problem. Even pyschopathic killers need a catchy name...But, I don't want to be too flashy-

Marshmallow: Just say it already, girl!

???: I guess you can call me...

???: Evil Suitcase.


Opinions: My favorite Danganronpa character is Toko. My least favorite is Tsumugi. For II, my favorite is Painty and my least favorite is Salt.

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