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"APPLE!!!" Marshmallow cried out. But it was already too late. 

Wow...Apple's death was gruesome. 

" why did you have to go and do that?" Knife asked Monophone.


"This is too much..." Microphone whimpered.

"...lightbulb..." I whimpered.

Lightbulb's death... wasn't right...but...she wanted it...and...I'll never see her again...

"...I guess you guys can go back up now..." Monophone blurted.

We all solemnly climbed into the elevator. Marshmallow and I were crying together, while everyone else stared at us...

We got back to the floor. I started walking to my room, but then I realized I still had Lightbulb's tape in my hands.

I walked to the AV room and plugged in the tape. The screen lit up with Lightbulb's tape.


"Um...can you hear me...Is this thing on? Oh, hi. Apple's probably dead by now. I'm sorry for that. I'm also sorry I begged for death. But, I was going to die anyways. My alcohol level is going to go through the roof. Also, I don't want people to suffer anymore. Apple probably told you all that I was the tortured student. I decided to look normal that next morning by drinking all that coffee. That way, I thought, the pain would be numbed down a bit. Boy, I was wrong. The mastermind...was revealed to me. I couldn't go on after knowing about the true nature of this game. Listen, the a sneaky one. They know how to make you suffer. I became self-aware in this "game". I'm going to go drinking now. If Paintbrush is watching this, don't cry over me. I will be back soon. And not in the way you would expect it."


Chapter 4: END!

Objects Left: 7/16


Hello dudes, it is headcanon time! I think that Baseball listens to 1940s music, and he would try to convince Nickel to slow dance with him to it.

Also, here's blonde boys being blonde boys:

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