Taco Goes to Hotel OJ

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(Taco's POV, she is best girl)

"Ok, you guys, listen up!" I yelled. The whole revolution was over here, by the front of Hotel OJ. 

"We only have one shot to get this right. A lot of your guys friends are trapped in there, including some of mine."

Everyone gasped, like it wasn't normal for me to have friends.

"Now, if we fail, I know what's going to happen to us. OITRD told me about the video, and that shit is rough business."

Everyone gasped again. That was ok, I had a swear word pass, guys!

"Ok, you guys were assigned into three teams. Team 1, go over to the left side. Team 2, go the right side of the hotel. And Team 3? Stay here, just incase Baseball creates more forces. Good? LET'S DO THIS, GUYS!"

My job was to go into the hotel and find Baseball and save the other objects. But I was a teensy bit scared. What if I couldn't find them? What if they were all already dead?

I sighed. This job had to work. OITRD and Microphone were in there, and I love them both to death. AS A FRIEND-SORT OF WAY! YES! Of course, I'm lying to myself.

Microphone has Knife. OITRD has Fortnite. I have tea and wine. That's all that matters.

I slowly open the door to the Hotel OJ, wincing. 


Silence. Pure silence. Not a sound in sight. I stepped into the room slowly, my trademark paralyzer in hand.

The rooms were all dusty and cobwebs draped the windows. It all seemed lost in time. Nobody had stepped in this place since 6 months ago...

I continue down the hallway. I only set foot in this place once. OJ would always kick me out if I tried to. Wait, why would they send me into this hotel? Oh, right! I spied for Baseball for 1 month, after OITRD did it for 5 months.

This hallway seems to never end... I found a door that said,


I scoffed, opening the door. 

Oh my god...


My job just got a whole lot harder now...


Monophone: Pick a number between one and one hundred.

Apple: Seven, because that's my lucky number!

Monophone: Good, because that is your IQ!

Taco and Gwen from Camp Camp should meet up and discuss all the weird stuff happening in their universes

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