Trial Pt. 1

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~Quick note before we get started! The trials will be written in a format similar to a play. The dialogue will be like this:

Pastatown: Great Harvest Bread Company is a lifestyle (Pastatown holds up her phone, which is telling you to follow her Instagram account, and_ii_memes .)


Monophone: I'll explain the class trial real quick. Vote for who you think is the killer! Vote correctly, and only the killer will be punished! Vote wrong, however, and only the blackened will escape freely without a punishment!

Apple: The killer is in here, right?

Monophone: Totally!

Nickel: Before we start the trial, can I ask a question? What's up with the pictures?

Monphone: Oh, it'd suck if the dead didn't see who killed them! Lots of lawsuits...

Monophone: Okay, that about does it. Now, let the class trial...begin!

Marshmallow: So, Balloon was the one murdered.

Trophy: We already know that, ya dingus!

Soap: And the murder took place at the bottom of the stairs.

Cheesy: So it seems most likely that the killer must have taken him off guard at the bottom of the stairs...

Paintbrush: No, that's wrong!

Paintbrush: There's a detail that doesn't match up!

Soap: I saw the dried up blood on the stairs. So, Balloon must have tripped.

Cheesy: So, Balloon wasn't killed at the bottom?

Paintbrush: Balloon had to be standing at the top of the stairs, fell down, and then the killer finished him off down there.

Knife: That much should have been obvious, dude. You're really stupid.

Nickel: We need to talk about the murder weapon next.

Suitcase: What was used to kill him?

Lightbulb: There was some kind of heavy thing that hit his head.

Baseball: That has to be the murder weapon!

Knife: The killer was dull. Used something boring. 

Paintbrush: That isn't quite right. 


Apple: What's a dart?

Microphone :  Where does that get us? I mean, we all know Lightbulb killed him, right!?

Lightbulb: Not cool!

Nickel: Let's make an answer *after* the trial, please? I'm sure if we keep at it, something new will reveal itself.

Baseball: You really believe that loving stuff?

Nickel: ...

Test Tube: So, the murder took place with the dart.

Lightbulb: But where does that get us?

Knife: And, why would anyone get involved?

Baseball: Speaking of which, I'd like to ask the phone something. If the killing has a 'helper' of sorts, would they be punished too?

Monophone: Each murder is allowed to have an accomplice, but only the one who does the killing will get to graduate.

Nickel: Oh, great. The whole trial just got harder now. Woohoo.

Paintbrush: So in other words, two people can work together, but one of them has no chance of profiting from it...

Monophone: Ugh, you guys suck at being detectives! There is an accomplice- Whoops! Did I say that out loud?

YinYang: So there might- BE AN ACCOMPLICE!!

Suitcase: Actually, yeah. That would line up with the letter evidence...


Suitcase: ...sorry, I just forgot to mention it.

(Suitcase then holds up the letter she found earlier. It says:)


Dear xxxxxxxxxx, 

I'm planning on killing Balloon. You see, the guy has it coming. He's rude, mean, and destroyed my trust. Will you help me follow through on this plan? I'm sure you will. Besides, best friends to the end, right?




Fan: But that doesn't make sense! Balloon never showed any of those character traits!

Baseball: Or maybe he wasn't showing his true colors...

Nickel: That's impossible. Let's continue-

Microphone: Hold up! Only some of us knew about the darts!

Cheesy: WHAT?!

Soap: Yeah! Cheesy, Mic, and I all knew about the darts. But, we have an airtight alibi, since we were in the lobby playing Just Dance!

Baseball: Lightbulb, Paintbrush, Nickel and I also have alibis, since we were playing with the darts.

Paintbrush: Actually, you don't, Baseball.

Baseball: ...huh?

Paintbrush: You were down there for a very long time, dude.

Lightbulb: Yeah! You never came back up, and you were right by the body when it was discovered.

Baseball: That still doesn't mean I could've been somewhere else, then found the body and screamed.

Apple: We...didn't see you. What's screaming?

Baseball: Wrong. Wrong. WRONG! Next thing you're going to tell be storks are real, that's how wrong you are!

Nickel: ...did you really kill him, Baseball?

Baseball: NO! Wouldn't you like to know who did it?

Baseball: I was in the bathroom, taking a wicked dump! Here, I can show you it afterwards-

Marshmallow: Yup, we've heard enough. He's totally the killer-

Nickel: That's where you're wrong. Baseball is set up to be the accomplice.

Nickel: Listen. Doesn't it take long to set up a death? And, you'd need enough time to prep acting for the investigation?

Nickel: Anyone with half a brain would realize that. Now, speak up, killer.

( To be continued...)


Author's note: reeee i wish the killer of Balloon survived they are my favorite II character besides Taco

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