Fruit Salad (Yummy Yummy): Execution

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Apple is sitting in a bowl of fruit in a kitchen. Suddenly, Monophone comes into the room. He is dressed in a chef outfit. She begins to begin picking out fruit and slicing it in half. (OJ is not ok with this, either.) Apple does see a way to escape, though: there is an exit. She begins to book it across the kitchen table, facing cutting knives, fruit peelers, corers, and so, so many Tupperware containers that she could get suffocated with.  Apple gets many cuts and bruises, but she makes it to the exit. She opens the kitchen door, only to get trampled by flying food carts. Apple is determined, though, and she hops across the food carts and shreds on them like skateboards. Bloodied and messed up beyond belief, Apple opens the real exit door. She begins stepping across, not realizing there is no floor beneath her. She looks down, sighs, and falls down a black abyss. She lands in the middle of a big smoothie blender. She then sees a familiar silhouette standing by the blender buttons: Marshmallow. But this is an evil robot Marshmallow. She traps Apple inside the blender with other apples. Apple begs her to stop this whole time. Then, with one last look of desperation, fake Marshmallow blends Apple to mush. Once Apple becomes pure applesauce, fake evil Marshmallow puts Apple's remains in a Tupperware container.

Moral of the story: Don't host Tupperware parties, kiddos.

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