Trial Pt. 3!

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Evil Suitcase: Ahahahahahahaha! It's so great to be back to stay!

Microphone: Stay? What do you mean stay?

Evil Suitcase: Welp, I'm staying here. Besides, it sucks to be poor old Suitcase, too.

Baseball: Oh my inning! Suitcase has gone completely bonkers!

Apple: Is there any reason why you want to take over Suitcase, ES?

Evil Suitcase: ...I have my reasons.

Trophy: That would make sense now. Suitcase is the ultimate item holder, right?

Lightbulb: Yeah! She could hide the katana there.

Evil Suitcase: Alright, I killed Cheesy. So what? You still don't know if I killed Soap or not, right?

Baseball: Actually, your plan is pretty obvious now.

Evil Suitcase: Tell me what you think, pretty boy.

Baseball: I had Soap turn off the lights because you blackmailed her.

Evil Suitcase: Blackmailed? Little old me? I would never!

Marshmallow: If she did kill Soap, that would also solve the problem of the speed of the murder and how it wasn't noticable.

Evil Suitcase: But still, how could I revert back to Suitcase that quickly, too?

Trophy: I've got it. The personality swaps revert back after they see blood, so Evil Suitcase saw it, and reverted back to Suitcase.

Evil Suitcase:...You guys really are smart. But, I'm not letting you lose just yet!

Lightbulb: But we literally just proved how you killed them both.

Evil Suitcase: There's one more loophole...HOW COULD I HAVE KILLED CHEESY IF IT WAS PITCH BLACK IN THE POOL?!?!?!

Apple: I saw with my eyes you standing right next to Cheesy, and a little bit of pink peeking out from behind the door.


Evil Suitcase: ...

Lightbulb: Ok, I think I know how this trial went down!


Lightbulb: After Test Tube's execution, we all went to bed. Then, Monophone magically changed Fan, Marshmallow, and Painty. He also personality-swapped Knife, Cheesy, Soap, and a 4th student that we didn't know at the time. This 4th person researched the situation and found the loopholes. Then, they set out to kill Cheesy. They decided to put on a pool party, but ran into a problem. They couldn't possibly turn out the lights and look innocent at the same time. So, they decided to blackmail someone. That person chose Soap. They told Soap their plan to kill Cheesy. Soap's alter ego was fine with it, but was scared of dying. The person grabbed a katana and snuck it into the pool with her. At 7:25, Soap switched off the lights at the pool. The 4th student impaled Cheesy with a volleyball pole, then finished him off with the hidden katana. Then, acting innocent, they left to set up for the talent show, leaving the katana in the hallway. They decided to kill Soap, too, to make the trial extra hard. After Soap's act, Soap had to stay on the boards until someone came to help her. The 4th student bit into Soap's neck, killing her, and also made it look like it was Marsh that killed her. Then, for good measure, she got all 32 arrows and threw them into Soap's body. Then, she saw the blood, reverted back to normal, and freaked out and ran to tell the others that she saw a body.


Lightbulb: Isn't that right, Suitcase, the ultimate item holder?

Evil Suitcase: ...

Monophone: Welp, the class trial is all over! All done! All finished! Vote for who you think killed Cheesy and Soap!

Evil Suitcase: Vote for me and I'll make your life miserable.


Suitcase: 9

Baseball: 1

Monophone: Correct! The person who killed Cheesy and Soap was, in fact, Suitcase.

Evil Suitcase: Tehehe.... I'm not letting you get rid of me that easy?

Microphone: So, ES, why did you kill them? Did you not like me?

Evil Suitcase: Stop being so full of yourself, whiner. I did this... because I really hate basic Suitcase.

Lightbulb: Huh?

Evil Suitcase: My motivations were simple. I really wanted to make my other half suffer, more than she had already. I only know she was freaking out after that sarcasm spasm's death, because she couldn't find her happy pills. I was in a great spot. 

Painty in the void: O̴h̷,̴ ̴s̴o̶ ̸t̶h̸a̴t̸'̸s̷ ̵w̴h̴o̴ ̵w̶a̵s̶ ̵f̸r̸e̶a̵k̵i̷n̸g̴ ̵o̷u̵t̸.̷

Baseball: I still don't get something. How come you didn't change back after biting Soap's neck, not after the arrows?

Evil Suitcase: Well, I'm pretty smart. I figured out a way to change the loophole. I changed it so that Suitcase could only come back if she drank Dr. Fizz. There was a cooler in the room full of that, so it was good to be prepared.

Baseball: ...Oh. That makes sense.

Evil Suitcase: Oh, there's one more thing I have to say. I made myself a permanent part of Suitcase, so if there was any chance I might come back, I could be a part of her. *grabs a Dr. Fizz hidden inside her* Welp, I'd best let Suitcase take the blow now. See you later, alligators.

Monophone: Now then, I've prepared a very special punishment for Suitcase, the ultimate item holder.

Suitcase: *now fully reverted back* WAIT, WHAT? WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!?!

Monophone: Let's give it everything we've got! ITTT'SSS PUNISHMENT TIME!



This is depressing. I liked Suitcase, too!

There needs to be a crossover where Toko/Genocide Jill meets Suitcase/Evil Suitcase.

IIRonpa: still a better love story than Twilight.

Here's a Danganronpa meme collection while you wait for the execution to come out.

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