Clues Who Agent Sneak Was

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Hey guys! It's Pastatown here, with a special IIRonpa update! After each of the 3 unknown characters get revealed, we will have a clue chapter, that shows the clues that show who they really were. And Taco/Agent Sneak is the first of the three!

1. I threw in the line "Even Taco's back now!" to throw everyone off.

2. Agent Sneak seems very uncomfortable around Pickle and not around OJ. Taco was close to Pickle before she betrayed him, and she never liked OJ.

3. Who seems evil enough for the mastermind to show stuff to? Taco, of course.

4. Everyone asks Agent Sneak why she wants to help. Taco seems like a traitor in their minds still, so that is cool.

5. On the TDGrodz blog on Tumblr, it's proven that Taco likes tea with a dash of lemon.

6. Taco said the contestants didn't see her true self, being her British self.

7. Come on guys, who would be most likely to be a spy? Taco, of course.

See you guys in the final chapter. 

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