Theater Woes

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"Huh...where am I?" Lightbulb asked, finding herself in a big movie theater.

"To put it lightly, you're dead." Test Tube appeared.

"Oh...that's kind of what I was hoping for." Lightbulb sighed.

"Hey, Lightbulb, you should come see this screen." Nickel told her.

Lightbulb was led over to a big screen, where the events of the killing game were playing out.

She saw a horror she expected to see when she died: how Paintbrush would react to it.

"Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap!" Paintbrush cried when they saw Lightbulb's dead body.

Paintbrush then sunk to their knees by Lightbulb's corpse. They lowered their head and began to cry.

"Aw no, Paintbrush...don't cry for me..." Lightbulb said softly.

Lightbulb began to cry a little. She would miss Paintbrush a lot.

"Aw jeez...we're sorry, Lightbulb.." Suitcase said.

"You! I thought you turned evil!!" Lightbulb shrieked.

"It's...kind of complicated. While I was here, I mastered my evil personality. We agreed for her to come out if there was a fight or whenever we were playing blackjack. I don't get why she loves blackjack that much."

"Aw well. I'm thirsty."

"But you seriously had way too much to drink in the past 2 days!" Nickel protested.

"Yeah! You should be concerned about your health, dude!" Balloon added.

"I don't care. What should we play?" Lightbulb asked.

"Well, there's a game closet in the back of this theater." Soap explained.

"Yeah! Pick a game of your choice! Your death was kind of cruel, so you get first pick!" Cheesy added.

Lightbulb smiled. Even though she missed Painty a lot already, things were looking up for her.


Balloon, Nickel, YinYang, Test Tube, Cheesy, Soap, Suitcase, Evil Suitcase, and Lightbulb are open for asks!

Also, Lightbrush is the next ship to be killed off. How sad.

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