All Agents End Up in Purgatory

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(Agent Sneak's POV)

I've made it to purgatory mansion. I sigh. It's only a couple more days until we storm Hotel OJ and get everyone back.

"Hello? Is there a pink ghost I can request?" I called out. 

Suddenly, there was a big ghost screaming loudly at me. 

"...Bow, stop it." I sighed.

The ghost then shrunk down. It was Bow.

"What are you doing here? AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO MARSHMALLOW AND APPLE?!?!?" Bow angered.

"Calm down. I'm forming a team to get them back."

"Wait, so YOU'RE not behind this?"


"How are you going to get them all free, though?"

I told Bow our plan. 

"Count me in! And I'll get Dough to help, too!"

"Who's...Dough, I might ask?"

"He's my silly cousin who's also dead!"

"Oh...go figure, I guess..."

"Anyways, I have one more question before we go out..."

"What's that, Bow?"

"...why do you want to help us all in the first place?"

" is..."

"Give me a straight answer."

"It's kind of boring with all the other kiddos, I'm trying to rescue 2 people in particular..."

"Fair enough."

Bow then grabbed Dough, then we set off back to the Resistance Pal's base camp.

"Oh my god, do you think Marsh misses us?" Dough asked Bow.

"Well...she's got to, right?" Bow happily replied.

"Ok, we're here." I told them.

The camp was much more alive than before. I saw a lot of familiar and unfamiliar faces.

"Hey, dude! I went time traveling and got some alternate reality contestants!" Pickle said.

"And I got strong MePhones, too!" OJ chirped.

"I brought the ghosts." I told them.

We were getting ready for the event soon to be known as the "Great Battle for Hotel OJ".

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