Reminds Me of That One Song...

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Painty...who did this to you?!?!? You're...not looking like yourself.

"Ms. Lightbulb? Where are you? You're going to miss tea time!" Fan called out.


No response from Fan or Painty.

"Lightbulb? Please come out. We're worried about you!" the nice version of Knife said.

"This isn't funny, Lightbulb. We're coming in." the boring Cheesy replied.

I heard the doorknob turn slightly, and Knife poked his head into the room.

"Oh my god, you guys gotta see this."

Everyone quickly came in and looked up at me and Painty.

"Wow! This is like that story Pinocchio!" Fan squealed.

Oh, wait! I forgot to tell you wonderful readers *wink* about Painty's horrible transformation! You see, I'm guessing that last night, Monophone turned Painty into a puppet. Painty now had a creepy puppet mouth that was closed, and their hands and feet had strings leading up to a big wooden support. I'm pretty scared of them now.

"Upuhuhuhu! What's up!" Monophone said, appearing out a thick cloud of smoke.   *The mastermind changed his voice back to the regular Monophone voice, because the mastermind got free time after his round of golf!*

"YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO PAINTY?!?!?!" I yelled at Monophone. 

"Yeah! And what did you do to Knife, Fan, Cheesy, Soap, and Marsh?"

"Upuhuhu! This is all part of the motive this time! I gave three of you a magical change, and four of you swapped personalities!"

We all groaned.

"Oh, and also, if you don't kill anyone, the 6 that got changed will stay like that forever. You haven't found the fourth person who got their personality swapped yet. Toodle loo! Also, I might steal Knife's homemade cookies."

Wait, four people switched personalities? I hope it wasn't me. Well, if it was me, I would've probably known by now. Painty became a puppet. Hey, this is like that one FNAF song!

I decided to carry Painty's shell of a puppet down to the cafeteria. Besides, puppets need to eat too, right? 

It was kind of hard to feed Painty, because the puppet mouth was hard to move. Painty's lifeless eyes were staring into my soul. I...actually think I might kill someone to see Painty again. Wait, what am I saying? I couldn't pull through with it. 

For now, I should focus on finding who the other student who got changed was. But, I'm gonna do it tomorrow. I carried Painty up to their room.

"Goodnight, Painty... please be back soon."

Then, I went to my room, set my alarm for 10 am, and went to sleep.

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