I'm The Kind Of Guy That Laughs At A Funeral

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"Ok, we've made our decision!" I said, us all exiting out of our group huddle.

"We're going to bring back Test Tube? Yay!" Fan shouted.

"Ok, I need you all to help me bring her back to the real world." Monophone, tossing a microphone at us.

"What do we need this for? I thought you could just recover people yourself?" Baseball asked.

"Well...SOMEONE decided to make this harder for all of us." Monophone sighed.

"Tell me, how do we bring her back?" Knife asked.

"Well, I'm going to power up my recovery center, and to do that, I need someone to sing the song One Week by Barenaked Ladies!" Monophone explained.

We all groaned. Why, of all the songs in the world, did it have to be that one? One Week is way too hard to sing.

"No way we're singing that!" Marshmallow shouted.

"Alright, then I won't bring Test Tube back..." Monophone started.

"Give me that mic, Baseball. WE. ARE. BRINGING. HER. BACK." Fan said.

The music started. Fan was so determined to bring Test Tube back, that...he actually did it. He actually sang the entirety of One Week by Barenaked Ladies without messing up. It was pretty empowering. When he finished, we all clapped for him.

"Good job, Fan! Too bad I lied to you." Monophone sighed.

"WHAT?! I DID ALL THAT FOR NOTHING?!?!" Fan shouted.

"Yep! I just wanted to listen to that song. Anyways, I can't revive students. Then, you would've all begged me with 'Oh please revive object! I beg of you!' Ugh, so annoying." Monophone snarked.

"So she's truly dead, huh..." Knife started.

"Yep. Sorry, Fan." Marshmallow comforted.

"We knew how much you liked her, and she would've been helpful in the trials, too." Baseball added.

Then, we all went up in the elevator again. Back to our daily lives.

But, I had a new goal now: To find the mastermind and find the truth of this killing game.


Chapter 5: END!

Objects Left: 5/16


Here's the song One Week by Barenaked Ladies if you haven't heard it:

Lightbulb: Ok, it's my turn for questions, give me awesome stuff!

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