Every Person We Reach Is Dead

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No...no...this can't be happening...

Lightbulb...was...the light of my life...

And now...

Someone killed her...

Tears were rolling down my face.

"Oh jeez...not again." Apple said.

"..." I sat.

The one person I have spent my entire life with... lay dead.

"Apple? APPLE!! WHERE ARE YOU-oh...oh my s'mores..." Marshmallow yelled, then she saw the body.

*ding bong bong bing*

We overheard Monophone say, "A body has been discovered!" Then he went off on his speech.

I stared at Lightbulb's body, speechless.

"Hey, Paintbrush, you don't have to investigate her death if you don't want to..." Microphone started.

I thought about it. And I said, "No."

"HUH?" Microphone screamed.

"...I'm going to investigate...the death."

"But isn't that a horrible thing to do?"

"...I loved her. I'm going to find who killed and MAKE. THEM. PAY."

"...TrUlY iNsPiRaTiOnAl..."

We began to search for clues. I went upstairs to the 3rd floor to see if anything was wrong up there.

Boy, it was a mess up there. There were shards of glass all over the floor, with a trail of glass leading to the wine cellar. So, either Lightbulb or the killer were drunk. 

"Hey, Paintbrush! Look at this Monofile!!!" Trophy said, handing it to me.


Victim: Lightbulb

Time of Death: 11 pm

Cause of Death: ???


Oh jeez, this Monofile isn't very helpful... all I know that the death was last night, so someone wasn't up early.

Lightbulb could've probably been killed by a hard object or shock.

I decided to go to Marshmallow's room to investigate. I shuddered, seeing Lightbulb's dead body again. 

There was a dry rag on the floor, too. It could've been cleaned with the bathroom sinks, though.

I decided to get alibies.

"Me and Marshmallow hung out in our room all last night. We didn't leave it at all." Apple told me.

"I went to the cafeteria for food, then I went to bed." Microphone said.

"Trophy, Microphone, Fan, and I played an intense game of UNO." Knife told me.

"Yeah! Microphone failed so badly!!!!" Fan added.

"And I was upstairs in the 3rd floor, in the greenhouse, making flowers in Nickel's memory." Baseball told me.

"Awww...how sweet." I sarcasmed.

The final detail I found was a tape with a recording on it. I pocketed it for later use.

"Ok, kiddos, it's time for the trial! Go to the elevators!" Monophone cheered.

We went to the elevator.

"Don't worry, Paintbrush, I'm sure we will find the culprit." Marshmallow smiled.


Another trial, another awful time in these awful trial grounds. Someone killed Lightbulb, my closest friend, and took away her future. Someone...let themselves get controlled by the motive. Someone...let despair get the better of them. The reason doesn't matter just yet. All I know is, I need to avenge Lightbulb.


Soap: Hey, I'm lesbian.

Evil Suitcase: I thought you were American?

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