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*6 months ago, in the object in the red dress's POV*

Tonight was the biggest party Hotel OJ would ever host. That night, though, was when the mastermind set his plan in motion.

I texted the mastermind, "Hey! Want to go to this lame party with me?"

The evil mastermind replied. "I'm sorry. Can't. Going to Best Buy"

That should've been my first warning sign. Who goes to Best Buy unexpectedly?

Aw well, I wasn't worried at the time. I decided to skip the party and head to Best Buy to snoop around.

The mastermind had a lot of monitors in his cart. That should've been my next warning sign. 

I decided to disguise myself with this red dress, not knowing that this would be my new look for quite a while. 

The mastermind also had a thing inventor.

I decided to get up closer and ask what the mastermind was doing in the parking lot.

"Oh, (object name), I know it's you." the mastermind said.

My cover was blown.

"You weren't supposed to find out about my plan. Although you do look cute in that dress, though."

I froze up. His plan must have been really bad.

"Well, I guess you know now. You better keep your secret, (object name)."

"And what if I don't? You're not very threatening."


The mastermind then kicked me in the face. Blood came streaming out.

"What was that for?"

He kept on kicking me on the ground. It was very painful, since my face was being crushed by the road.

"Now then...don't tell anyone else about this, or I will kill you. Also, dress up in dresses when I'm around. The old you is gone now. Ok, doll?"

Doll. DOLL?!?!?! Who does this object think they are? But, not wanting to get hurt anymore, I nodded.

"Well, ANSWER ME?!?!" the mastermind said putting his leg on my throat.


The mastermind got in the car with his stuff from Best Buy and drove away.

I decided to take out my phone right then and there, and decided to call someone who wasn't too close to the mastermind:  Agent Sneak.

I told them, "Meet me in the Best Buy parking lot! It's urgent!

Agent Sneak arrived in the parking lot, saw me, and said, "What happened?!?!?"

"Listen. (Object that is the mastermind) is planning something really bad, and I need help, like, really badly."

"What is the mastermind planning?"

"...a killing game."

"WHAT?!?! I'm gonna spy on the mastermind. Did the mastermind...do that to you?"

"...unfortunately, yes. I'm...not sure what do just yet...they were close to me...I don't know what to feel...the mastermind  wanted me to wear dresses all the time..."

"Well. I'm gonna tell you my plan."

Thus went Agent Sneak's Plot:

1: Mastermind sets up game. Time to warn the objects.

2: If objects do get captured, resistance squad rescues them.

3: Make mastermind change his mind, or suffer.

"That's a good start. I'll spy on the mastermind, since the mastermind wants me with him." I told AS.

"Ok, and I'll look like an ally to the mastermind, but will actually spy."

"Yep! Stay safe!"

"...you sure you don't need help?"

"...not right now. There's probably some first aid kits at Hotel OJ."

"Ok. And-"


"If the mastermind abuses you more...call me...I will beat the mastermind up."

Our plan was set in motion. We decided to drive home and talk to each other.


The object in the red dress and Agent Sneak are open for questions! And no, they sadly did not buy anything at the Best Buy.

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