The First Motive

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I decided to go find Lightbulb after watching the movie with Knife. But something got in my way of that. A TV in the hallway flickered on, and Monophone appeared on the screen."

"Upuhuhu! Students, report to the gym for a surprise!"

I didn't want to possibly get killed by Monophone, so I headed to the gym. I decide to chatter with Test Tube.

"Golly gee, I wonder what this could be about!" Test Tube shivered.

"Probably something boring, like who keeps taking the cookies." I replied.

"Tehehe... good one."

Everyone was there in the gym now.

"Where is he! This better not be something dumb!" an impatient Trophy said.

"While this is weird... shouldn't Monophone be here by now?" Suitcase asked.

"You asked for me and I shall appear!" Monophone exclaimed, popping out onto the gym floor.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Microphone screamed.

"What did you call us for?" Balloon asked.

"Yeah! Nobody would be here if it weren't for AA- YOU!" Soap said.

"Well, I have a motive for you guys!" Monophone cheered.

"Say it to us, but first, what's a motive?" Apple asked.

"Well, I'm glad you asked! A motive is an incentive to kill each other. And this time, it's going to be really fun!"

Monophone then snapped his fingers, making a projector and screen appear. 

"Now then, your motive is that every day that a murder doesn't occur, I will randomly pick a person's family and kill them. Kind of like a Russian Roulette! And, we're going to kick it off right now!"

Murmurs erupted across the gym. "What?" "He can't be serious." "I can't take this!"

The lights dimmed and the screen turned on. An image flashed on screen. The objects looked like a balloon pump and a balloon. OH MY GOD! THEY WERE BALLOON'S PARENTS!

"MOM! DAD!" Balloon shouted, running up to the screen. 

Then the image changed. The balloon and balloon pump were now blindfolded and submerged under water. OMP! I saw piranhas! The piranhas then began swimming around the two parents.

"NO! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!" Balloon cried.

But it was too late. All that was left was a horrifying image of 2 skeletons surrounded by piranhas and blood.

THAT WAS HORRIFYING! MY PALETTE! Gasps broke all over. "What the mint!" "Holy-" "Poor Balloon!"

Balloon turned around to face us, his face wet with tears. Then, he ran out of the room, crying.

"Upuhuhu! Wasn't that exciting!"

"No, you sicko. It's not funny!" Trophy yelled.

"Why would you do this to Balloon?!" Cheesy asked.

"Oh, and there's another part of this motive, too." Monophone remembered.

"May... you please tell us?" Test Tube asked.

"Oh yeah! Oneofyouisthemastermindbehindallthis- Toodles!"

Then, Monophone disappeared.

"What? Who could be the mastermind?" Baseball asked.

"I WILL KILL THE MASTERMIND-calm down!" YinYang argued.

That's right...anyone could be the mastermind...even people I trust. ...What should I do? ...So this is what it's like to experience despair.

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