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(Taco's POV)

The pods all opened and...

Out popped 15 contestants.

"Ow, my head... where are we?" Fan asked.

"Jeez, I was getting kind of worried you wouldn't come!" Nickel sighed. He seemed relieved.

"LISTEN TO ME. This place's about to blow!!! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!" I yelled.

We all started booking it towards the exit, which took about 9 minutes, since Hotel OJ was pretty big. I had to start kicking up people and carry them since they were quote 'tired'. Yeah, like exercise isn't good for you after being in those pods. GET OUT OF THE PRECONTEMPLATION STAGE, PEOPLE!

So, we ran. Nickel and Suitcase had the upper hand in this, being legless and on the track team in middle school. 

The last objects made it out of the building. I pulled out my walkie-talkie.

"Hey, is the mission successful?" OJ asked.

"Is everyone out of Hotel OJ?" I asked.

"Huh? Why would I know-"


"Oh, sure Taco. They are all out."


Everyone huddled in a group. I heard light beeping noises, then...


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