The Final Puzzle Piece.

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TRIGGER WARNING: Death and gore.


The afterlife theater isn't that bad. It's very calm up here, and everyone's nice to me.

Thank god.

I sigh, thinking back to worse times...

(6 months ago, night of the Best Buy disaster)

Me and Taco were walking home. Taco was interrogating me, I didn't know the question answers. Anyways, we arrived at Hotel OJ for the big party. Well, I did. Taco wasn't-exactly welcome there, so she went outside and spied. Before we left, though, we grabbed contacts so we could see each other.

Every object who was in Inanimate Insanity was there. Balloon was spray painting on the walls, Fan was livestreaming it, and Soap was creaming Trophy at Leo's Motel 2.

I went to the back corner of the room and grabbed a cup of punch. I downed that punch in about 8 seconds, give or take. Everyone was grooving and having a good time.

I stared outside the window, pondering what all just happened to me. In the background, I saw Microphone leave to go outside. Wonder what her deal is. She probably went home to watch TV. 

BFDI was playing on the TVs, and a lot of people were watching it. Marshmallow and Apple were also missing. But, we know where they went, they were at purgatory mansion, and Fan knew they were watching the livestream.

Suddenly, BFDI switched off and another feed went on. Everyone started gathering around the TV, myself included.

A new, static-like feed appeared, the video was loading. Then, the mastermind(ugh!) appeared on the screen. 

"Hello, everyone! May I have your attention, please?" the mastermind asked.

Everyone mumbled.

"Ok, I need you all to watch this video very closely. That includes you. You know who."

Then, the static feed cut out from behind the mastermind. You could see MePhone, Toilet, and MePad all tied up.

"YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO US???" MePhone asked.

"Um...could you please untie us?" MePad politely asked.

"Yeah! LET ME SEE MISTAH PHONE! (ily so much MePhone)" Toilet screamed.

"Oh no. Why should I let you go, when you've caused me suffering? Now, which one of you is hungry?" the mastermind asked.

"OH! ME! I haven't eaten in a while." Toilet said, gullibly. 

So, the mastermind went out to the kitchen, and got  2 forks  and a knife. The mastermind always sucked at making food, but this was a whole other level of messed up.

To make a long story short, the mastermind plunged the forks into Toilet's eyes, and RIPPED. THEM. OUT HOLY CRAP THAT IS MESSED UP.

Toilet was screaming now, but none of us could look away from the screen. We all had a look of pure disgust on our faces.


Then, in a flash, the mastermind ripped Toilet's legs off.

Toilet had died, and I...couldn't have stopped it. Toilet's dead body slunk down to the ground. 

I looked around at the other objects. Their eyes were becoming black-and-white spirals of despair. Most of the objects had tears around their eyes. 

The broadcast continued on, though. 

"Ok, for this next trick, I'll need an assistant. MePhone, I need your help." the mastermind said. 

The mastermind untied MePhone, and he reluctantly stood up, shaking.

"Ok!" Then, the feed went out. When it returned. MePhone had his eyes shut, and MePad his mouth. On their bodies, there was a chain leading to a winch.

"This is your test. Get the key, and you can both escape! If not, the winch will eat you! You have 2 minutes, go, go, go!" the mastermind said.

MePhone was swinging around, making it harder for MePad. But, MePad eventually got the key. Him and MePhone were going to escape!

But, when they stepped out of the room, they both saw all the contestants waiting for them.

Too bad that was just an illusion.

MePad was impaled to death by spikes shortly afterwards, and MePhone was hanged.



I seemed to be the only one in the room not affected by this, so I ran outside immediately to see if Taco was affected.

Luckily, she was not.

She had a big bottle of wine next to her, and she chugged the whole thing.


"Huh?...Is that a fairy?" Taco stumbled.

"No, it's me! We've got a big situation."

"Microphone...Why are you a toasted bagel?"

"No, I'm not Microphone!!! I need your help!"

This was no use. I took Taco over to Hotel OJ, but it was too late. The objects had fallen under despair. But, at least me and Taco wore contacts, so we were safe.

But, 2 heads were brighter than one, right? We could still make do with what we had. Which wasn't a lot but at least we had each other.

Just the 2 of us against the object multiverse.


Oh god that chapter hurt to write, I love MePad and Toilet. Also, if any of you are confused, the mastermind revives MePhone and changes him into Monophone.

My poor babies :(

Trophy: Are you calling me a liar?

Cheesy: Well, I ain't calling you a truther!

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