Quick Cut to the Afterlife Theater!

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"Let me at him, LET ME AT HIM!" Lightbulb screamed.

Apple and Test Tube were holding back Suitcase and Lightbulb, who were wanting to kill Baseball once he died.

All the others were brandishing weapons, except for one object, who was already prepared and was changing into the red dress.

"Like I said, you guys, it would really destroy Baseball if he saw me kill him like this. I'm fine." OITRD said from the closet.

"Ok, just be careful out there, dude. Baseball's still pretty strong, ya know." Soap yelled.

"...I know that. You don't have to remind me."

Soap sighed, grabbing her megaphone. Why, of all things, would she get a megaphone? Megaphones were useless, she thought. That wouldn't be helpful in the slightest!

"Man, I forgot how hard it was to put a dress on me." OITRD explained.

"Yeah, I always wondered how you got it on yourself." Balloon replied.

"Probably a robot-DUMMY!" YinYang shouted.

Evil Suitcase and Soap were working as fast as they could to make as many weapons as they could. Some were already taken care of, because Evil Suitcase had the katana inside of her when she died, YinYang had some leftover poisoned tea, and Soap had all 32 arrows left. Also, there were a bit of weapons in the supply closet, too.

"How did we even get here?" Test Tube asked.

"Blame it on yourself-ANTIFREEZE QUEEN!" YinYang replied.

"I'm just worried a teensy weensy bit." Test Tube.

"Well, don't worry, we can't lose with the odds 11 against 1!" Lightbulb cheered.

Everyone then gathered around the front entrance to the afterlife theater.

"Ok, is everyone here?" Soap asked, checking off names.

"WAIT FOR MEEE!!!!" OITRD shouted, running down the hallway.

Everyone turned around to see something kind of surprising. Nickel was decked out in a red dress, wielding a chainsaw in his right foot. 

"Tada, everyone." Nickel sarcasmed.

"Ok, Cheesy, give me my five bucks." Soap said. Cheesy yelled, "Rats!" and gave Soap her bet money.

"We are going to make this fucker pay for straight up abusing me for six months!" Nickel yelled.

Everyone then huddled in a circle.

"Ok, this is the only chance we have now, so everyone, play your part." Microphone said.

"Is the machine ready, Balloon and Nickel?" Evil Suitcase asked.

"Yup. It's designed to repeat the Shape World theme song over and over again!" Balloon explained.

"And, I have outside help, just in case the plan fails." Nickel added.

"Ok. Everyone, got a weapon?" Test Tube asked.

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Ok, we're ready for him. Break!" Trophy yelled.

Everyone then got into their assigned formation.

Soap nodded at Evil Suitcase, then nodded at Nickel.

Nickel revved up his chainsaw.

"Let's get this party started, everyone."


So, Nickel was OITRD, huh?

Everyone after reading Chapter 6:

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