Test Tube's Old Stuff...

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But, before I go to bed, didn't Test Tube mention something about her old room having useful stuff? Let's grab Fan, then.

"Excuse me, your Highness?" I asked politely.

"Yes, Ms Lightbulb?" Fan replied.

"Can we check out Test Tube's old room together?"

"Who's that?"

"You seriously don't know who Test Tube is?"

"I don't know. All I know is that...thinking about test tubes makes me...sad for some reason. But that's ok! There must have been something great before to make me feel this sad, though. It's...kind of beautiful. Like a beautiful sadness."

"Whoa! That was deeper than the bottom of the ocean! Where the crabs go to die!"

"Well, I guess I should respect whoever Ms. Test Tube was, so let's go to her room. Also, I received a trinket that may unlock something in there."

"Well then, let's go!"

Fan and I walked down to Test Tube's room. The room felt very dead, like no one had been in it for years.

"How about you try your key in that safe over there?" I told Fan.

"Sure, Ms. Lightbulb!"

Fan put the key in, and turned the lock. Inside there was a note, a picture, and a doll.

"I'm going to read the note." Fan said.


To Fan, who is probably the one opening this,

If you see this now, I'm already dead. Big shocker to you, huh? I'm very sorry that I killed YinYang. The memories I had with you were the best of my life. I really wanted to escape with you, I really did. But, I had no choice. YinYang could've exposed me, and I could've been a big target for a killer. With me being antifreeze and all, this was a lose-lose situation. I decided, why don't I die now and spare the risk of getting killed later? Yeah, I made a stupid choice, Fan. And now, I can never take it back. I'm writing this as we are getting ready for the party. Inside this safe I left you a photo of us to remember me, and a doll of me. So, if you ever feel lost without me, you know I'll always be with you. Don't forget about me. This key also functions to my lab, so if you escape, you can go in there. Fan, I'm going to miss you.

With all my love,

T. Tube


"Wow, this Test Tube character really liked me." Fan sighed.

"Yes, you two were very close." I replied.

"I didn't know her, but why do I feel like crying? I don't want anyone to die..."

"Welp, we are stuck in a killing game. Don't count your blessings."

"I want to help in any way possible!"

"Well, we could try and stop the killing g-"

"But how?"

"I don't know. Let's go."

I headed back to my room. I'm going to bed now! Zzzzzz...

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